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Posted on Tue Nov 2nd, 2021 @ 12:09am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: DS9, Bajoran Ship 2
Timeline: Just after docking at DS9

Kla'ren was in his office looking back through some of the data on the freighter that was collected on the away mission. He was looking to see if there was anything that the away team missed during the away mission. "Damnit" he cursed as he looked at the files pertaining to the freighter. Someone would have to go back. So, Thriss tapped his combadge.

"Kla'ren to Captain Kaylen, please respond."

The Captain looked up from the padd she had been reading at the sound of her chief Engineer.

" What is it Lt Kla'ren?" She asked, hearing a tone in his voice she couldn't quite put her finger on.

The Chief looked at his PADD again for a second to confirm what he was reading. "As it turns out we didn't get all of the data we needed. At least from the second ship. Permission to finish gathering all of the data and to check if there is any hidden damage?"

" Hrmmm" Rhenora mused as she considered the request, there wouldn't be any additional resources around since most of the crew were on leave. " So long as you're happy to do so Chief, I'm happy for you to go back"

"Thank you Captain. I'll report any additional findings to you or Commander Savar."

"That would be fabulous Chief, good hunting finding that data" the Captain signed off and turned her attention back to the report in front of her.

After he finished looking through the data he had, he rose up from his chair and put on his utility belt. Before leaving his office he picked up the PADD with the data to take with him to the second ship. Quickly, he left his office and made the short trip to the lift.



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