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Going Home - Part.... something

Posted on Sun Aug 29th, 2021 @ 10:30pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Remal Kajun

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Bajor
Timeline: backpost

Together with those from the village, they worked through the morning. Toiling away at the framework of the beach side cabin. Remal took on a more domineering leadership role as he interacted with the builders, but he never strayed too far from his beautiful assistant. While he trusted the villagers, recent events had him on guard.

As the South wall neared completion, the weather turned hotter and it wasn’t long before someone showed up with water and other local drinks for those who wanted alcohol instead of lesser drinks. The short break was a welcome one, but again Remal caught himself looking out over the crowd at the faces as though he were expecting to see the pair who had visited them on their previous venture planetside.

After the drinks were drunk, and the conversation flittered down, the work continued for another hour or two before several of the workers set their tools down and started for town. Remal walked over to Rhen, “How are you holding up?” He asked, knowing she had been exemplary despite being pregnant.

"Tired but fine, it's been a while since we did some manual labour, it's very rewarding" she smiled, relishing the inactivity for the moment. Truth be told she was weary to her bones but was too content to care.

“Well, most of the workers are heading into town for lunch. Colette was suggesting we come along and I know we are going to need a few more things if we stay another night, so, care to walk with me?”

"I'd love to" she smiled, holding out her hand as though to suggest 'help me up'.

Hand in hand they strolled out the in-progress front door and down the path towards the village, marvelling in this little piece of paradise that they called their own.

As they walked he thought about their surroundings, the hills, the local mountains, the temporary climate. "It will be autumn soon I think. That's probably why the temperature changed so drastically last night." He looked to the ground. "The Rhenoras may never recover, but at least our child will be one of the fall." He said not understanding the depth of irony in his words.

“ They will come back, the plants that is” She hastily corrected “ Give them a season to lie fallow and you will be surprised” She smiled at him and squeezed his hand “And maybe give me a season to lie fallow as well… I may need it in a few months.” The laughter was interrupted by an eruption of sneezes and the obligatory curse at the end.

All that he could do was squeeze her hand and then as she finished he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it to show he cared. “I will make sure you have all of the time you need. Though, you will be responsible for making sure the Sunfire will be okay without you for that amount of time.”

They rounded the last bit of path as the small village rose up to greet them. The quiet burg, its cobbled streets and its general rustic nature was a far cry from the shantys and caves they had grown up with during the occupation. It was cozy.

“ Savar is up for the challenge, but I do need to train up a 2XO to support him in preparation” Rhenora mused, squeezing his hand as they wandered into the quiet village, the locals going about their business in their usual way, smiling in greeting at the couple.

Looking about at the people going about their lives, Remal took it all in, then pointed off in a singular direction. “There is a small market that way. Open air, local produce, everything we could need. And we could grab some lunch over there, by the town square. They have an outdoor media station that broadcasts the news on the hour, if you’re into that sort of thing.”

“Lunch sounds lovely” Her stomach rumbled as though on command, setting her into a fit of giggles “ It appears that someone else is hungry as well. I swear this kid is going to be the size of a large pumba beast when it’s born”

They headed towards the market, several fresh providers spruiking their wares and fresh foods lined the sides, a number of local cafe’s boasting freshly cooked produce intermixed with them.

“What tickles your fancy today?” She asked Remal as the smells wafted through the open air as though a lure on a fishing line hoping to catch a customer.

“You know me, when on Bajor, do as the Bajorans do. I’m craving, of all things, fresh hasperat.” He couldn’t help but to smile at the idea that she was smiling and giggling and just happy. While on the Sunfire she was always so straight forward, up tight. He knew it was the duality of her life and he was glad he got to share both halves when many men never did.

“Fresh hot hasperat it is then, the local variety I’m assuming?” She mused as she let her nose lead them to a vendor cooking and selling freshly cooked hasperat. It had a tinge of local herbs and spices mixed with the usual staples, giving a slightly different smell. Something unique to this village and this place.

They settled into two outdoor chairs, a small table in between. The waiter approached and asked their preference, Rhenora ordering a slightly different variant of hasperat to Remal, just for something different. After the waiter left Rhenora leant back against the chair, trying to get comfortable.

“So… work or play this afternoon?”

He swallowed a bite of his Hasperat and savored the flavor before responding. "Well I would love to see that South wall go up today, we are so close to finishing it. And then we can call it a day and play. Did you have anything specific in mind?"

Just as he finished asking his question the large public screen in the town center began blaring the local news report from the Capitol Province. It was enough to grab their attention.

The reporter read aloud, "In government news today, local Provincial Governor and forerunner for a council seat, Don T'Givishite, rallied his constituents together and delivered what some would label as a Call to Action. He offered some dire words for the future of Bajor and some negative comments for the United Federation of Planets and what he labeled as 'just another war mongering body'. We have a clip, give a listen."

The screen changed to show a crowd of over 1000 Bajorans in a great hall, probably in the Capitol City. At the head of the crowd a singular man behind a pulpit was speaking. The camera switched to just show him, a stoic man in his thirties proudly standing and speaking.

"For over fifty years we have served under the boot heel of a militaristic body, tortured, bloodied and beaten down. Our people have been scattered not just across the stars but in our own homeland." His voice sounded out through the speakers yet it was his words that were resonating within the hearts of the people.

"Yet we endured. Some have called us survivors, stubborn, even the roaches of the Galaxy, mere pariahs." He paused to let the crowd die down then continued, "But I say we are fighters." The crowd cheered vigorously. "It was we who drove the Snakes from our lands! It was we who resisted day after day, year after year! We, are the fighters!"

"Now we are in a period of turmoil. The benevolent Federation swooped in and provided relief after the occupation only to install their own overseer as an Emissary to, our, Prophets! All while bringing war once again to our front door. And even though we remained neutral, we did not remain safe. Instead we were just another pawn under just another war mongering body, known as the Federation."

He sighed as he took in a last breath to finish out his speech. As he finished he was more somber, "And now, our people divided, our leadership weak, the so-called Prophets have appointed two of our own as our new Emissaries. Two of our own who have turned their backs on Bajor and joined with the Federation out galavanting around the Galaxy, doing impure things, in impure ways."

"There has never been a better time for our people to stand up and say, 'enough is enough'! We need strong leadership ready to take back control of what is ours. We need a return to our roots, to who we once were so that we as a united people of Bajor can tell the mighty Federation where they can go. We no longer need them. Instead we need people who can lead us to a better future, a stronger future. My name is Don T’Givishite and I care for Bajor. Follow me to a Better Bajor.”



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