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Posted on Tue Aug 31st, 2021 @ 1:50am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Commodore S'thenosis Gorgox

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Conference Room 1
Timeline: Current

Savar's shift had ended and now he could turn his full attention to the matter at hand. Planning, discussing his defense with Commodore S'thenosis in regards to killing Gul Maccet. Having Captain Kaylen involved in the discussions would be an added bonus.

Tapping his combadge, "He inquired, "Computer where is Commodore S'thenosis?" The computer replied instantly.
"Commodore S'thenosis is in Conference Room 1."

Having acquired the Commodore's location, Savar made his way there. Entering he found the Commodore seated at a long table
"Commodore." He greeted, "Is now an appropriate time to discuss my case and our defense?".

She peered up from her work, over the rim of what appeared to be a rather odd pair of glass spectacles. "My time is your time Commander. I am here for your needs, therefore I suggest you use my time wisely for I do not believe we will have a second chance to set this record straight."

Savar nodded, "My time and my needs are simple Commodore. I seek acquittal of these charges brought against me."

Captain Kaylen Rhenora paused outside the conference room doors, composing herself into the calm composed Captain she was supposed to be. Ronson was a step behind, partially as moral support, partially to ensure that everything was to the Commodore's specification. She took a deep breath and entered, ready to once again face off with the dragon.

Savar turned at the sound of the door hissing open and Rhenora and Ronson walking in. "Captain, Mr. Mitchell, it is good you could join us. I believe you know Commodore S'thenosis, Captain."

" I do very much know the Commodore Commander," Rhenora replied, her mind still reeling over the fact S'Thenosis was again on her ship. Part of her felt judged, even threatened. Was the trial the only reason the Commodore was here? Or was it a ruse to have the Sunfire Captain under surveillance and evaluation again?

S'thenosis stood, leaving her work as is, and turned to face Captain Kaylen. She gave a curt bow, "Captain." Much of who she was, went into what she didn't say, as much as what she did. There was no acknowledgment of their shared history, not now. This was business. "Has anyone informed you of my purpose here, or do you require a catch-up session?"

" Yeoman Mitchell advised you were here to prepare for Commander Savar's trial against the Cardassian's. I'm assuming over the supposed murder of Gul Maccet" Rhenora replied simply, forcing her emotions to the side.

"Senior Cheif Petty Officer Mitchell was correct in his brief assessment of the situation. While I have reviewed the provided materials from both sides of the, Alleged murder of Gul Maccet, sometimes the story told is not the complete picture painted." She moved to pace around the opposite side of the table, a tactic to ensure all eyes remained on her.

"It is clear there was a murder, not supposedly, was." She emphasized. "Our job here is to determine a motive, cause, effect, outcome and to not only clear the name of Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen, but to redirect this incident back in the face of those who inferred upon us this incident in the first place. The Federation has made its stance clear. We will not be drawn back into a war with the Cardassian people any time soon." As she finished she once again stood face to face with Rhenora.

"Are you saying the Federation is willing to sacrifice one of their officers to maintain peace with the Cardassians, Commodore?" Savar asked bluntly. "If so, I will fight the charges with every fiber of my being."

S'thenosis continued looking at Rhenora. "There will be no sacrifice." She then turned to Savar, "Which is why they sent me. Your fight, is now our fight Commander."

Savar nodded at the Commodore's words. His next words were directed at both the Commodore and Captain Kaylen. "That pleases me. In addition I would like all of us here to work as a unit and put the past in the past so we may focus on the future." His gaze taking in everyone in the room.

" I assume by your presence here we have a date for the trial?" Rhenora asked carefully, knowing full well they were expected back in the Gamma Quadrant within the next 24 hours.

The picturesque woman moved back to her seat, "We have one calendar month with which to prepare our defense. So if we could bypass any further frivolous inquiries and get down to business, I will do my best to," she hesitated as she searched for the right phrasing, "get out of your hair."

"One calendar month," Savar repeated. "We should get right to the matter at hand. I for one welcome your presence and assistance Commodore. I am open to any suggestions you may have."

Rhenora nodded listening to the conversation and putting a mental timeline in her head. One month should be ample time to get through their mission in the Gamma Quadrant, provided they don't get held up overly. As for the comment about 'keeping out of hair' the Captain had a sneaky suspicion that that would remain to be seen.

"I suggest we begin by taking a deposition. I wish to hear from each of those who were there in order to determine a better visage of the scene. I believe there was no visual record of the incident to work from?" Once again she peered over her glasses at Rhenora.

Savar remained silent as the Commodore asked about getting depositions as it seemed the question was directed at Captain Kaylen. Clearly there was a history between the Captain and the Commodore. He made a mental note to ask Rhenora about it at a later date.

" There is no visual record, the only officers present were Commander Savar, Lt Aurora Vali, Lt T'Strella who is no longer aboard, and myself along with 4 of Gul Maccet's men" The Captain explained, unruffled by the piercing gaze of the Commodore.

"The Captain is correct in her statement." Savar answered in his usual cool tone. "Would you care to take Lt. Vail's deposition at this time Commodore? Or do you have something else you wish to do at this time?"

"We will get there, momentarily, however I want to be absolutely clear that we are not forgetting someone. I recall reading that there was one other on your away team." She looked over her notes before looking back up again, "Yes, one Ensign Bob Gomez. Perhaps if he is on board we should start with him, and of course, strive to not leave anyone else out moving forward."

Rhenora racked her brain, trying to remember Bob's wearabouts during the final critical timeframe they were on the planet. " My apologies I had 'forgotten' about Gomez's involvement" She ended up admitting. " He is on board, I will send for him to meet with you"

"I believe Ensign Gomez was in the cave in the beginning of the hostage situation and then outside the cave." Savar replied.

" Of course, my memories are a little sketchy" Rhenora admitted, a tinge of colour gracing her cheeks before she continued "Would you like to meet with him now or at a designated time?" She addressed the Commodore.

She looked at Rhenora over the rim of her glasses, "Age has never been kind, but to some she is a down right bitch." She then turned back to her screen with an odd smile. "I will schedule depositions for all and will summon each one at a time. Thank you each for your cooperation. You are dismissed at this time." She said with an aire of finality.

Kaylen wasn't used to being outranked - let alone on her own ship. " Yes, Ma'am" She gave Savar a look but said nothing further, turning on her feet and exiting before the Commodore could say anything further.

As the Captain left, Savar turned back to the Commodore. "I cannot help but notice a tenseness between you and Captain Kaylen. Is this tenseness going to cause problems with our defense moving forward?"

"If there is any tension, it would lie solely on the shoulders of your Captain. We have served together for a time and I believe we have come to understand one another, but I am a professional and my focus is on your case and its implications for securing peace in this quadrant. Pettiness is not going to sway my resolve Commander. I suggest you pay the notion no more mind. Now, if you're ready, shall we begin?"



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