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Command Recert - Savar Pt 2

Posted on Tue Jul 13th, 2021 @ 2:53am by Remal Kajun & Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Holodeck 1

Captain Kaylen Rhenora arrived at the holodeck 10 minutes early, taking her position behind the one way window that looked like one of the roof panels. It provided an impressive and unobstructed view of the bridge and those below. Soon Savar's scenario would begin, the holographic officers already in place as though frozen in time.

Savar arrived five minutes later. He was calm and unruffled. He didn't know what his test would be but he was confident in his ability to pass.

The scenario would begin when the Commander sat in the command chair, even Rhenora didn't know what it would be, with Command having decided the scenario that would be issued.

As Savar sat, the program began, starting with a run of the mill interaction with an unknown vessel.

"Commander - unknown vessel on approach, eta 5 minutes" Ops announced in a voice indistinguishable from the real thing.

"Open hailing frequencies and hail the vessel." Savar replied smoothly.

There were a few moments where silence answered the call, then a barrage of weapons fire erupted from the alien vessel.

"Shields up. Engage evasive maneuvers Savar delta, bravo13. Return fire, target their engines." Savar ordered.

The alien ship darted, it's shields and weapons impressive against the heavy assault of the Sunfire's weapons. It fired a barrage of torpedo's, followed up by an harsh volley of phaser.

"Fire a spread of torpedoes. leading the vessel and hard to port, we will swing behind them." Savar ordered tactical and helm.

The alien vessel swung with them, refusing to yield the tactical advantage. It paused for a moment in its barrage as though formulating a new strategy. They focused their weapons now on the Sunfire's shield emitters, attempting to disrupt the energy barrier around the mighty ship. A dark and deadly voice echoed through the bridge of the Sunfire "Prepare to be boarded"

"Modulate both shields and phasers and fire again and set them to a random pattern, Take power from secondary systems to reinforce the shields," Savar ordered.

The alien vessel refused to yield, sporting both superior firepower and well-reinforced shields. "You will surrender, or you will be destroyed!" The aliens' voice roared through the bridge speakers. A barrage that caused the deck plates to shudder violently erupted.

"Captain, I am showing shields are at 13 percent. The port quarter has taken a beating. Crew quarters on decks two through five are showing buckling. If we get hammered in that section again we are looking at complete hull collapse."

No sooner had he said it than another barrage struck that section.

'Evacuate those sections to the part of the ship." Savar ordered then touched the ship-wide com. "All hands this is the Captain, prepare to repel all boarders" To helm and tactical he spoke next. "Bring us broadside and fire all phasers. Fire two salvos of torpedoes. One at their engines the other at their lateral shields where they are the weakest."

As the Sunfire fired their weapons as did the enemy, breaching the Sunfire's shields in several sections. A shimmer of a transporter beam released a number of intruders in Engineering, Decks 4 and 6, and on the bridge.

Savar stood as the first attackers materialized on the Sunfire bridge. He fired his phaser in defense of his ship and crew as did the other officers. "Security. Reinforce Engineering and other critical areas of the ship."

The security details swarmed those areas, including the bridge. What nobody realized was that one of those beam in areas had been the Captain's ready room.
"Security reports intruders are putting up resistance, they're having trouble containing them" Ops reported as phaser fire lanced through the bridge.

"Corral the intruders and place temporary forcefields around those areas." Savar answered as he brought down another intruder with his phaser.

" You mean seal deck 1 with them and us inside?" The Ops office balked.

"I mean, separate the areas of resistance and seal the intruders inside," Savar replied.

" Aye Sir..." Ops replied before the holographic Lt House spoke from the tactical station.

" Sir... I'm reading weapons fire in some of the crew quarters... and in the ready room," he announced.

*Weapons fire? Ready Room?* Savar thought *Who was in the Ready Room?* He moved quickly to the ready room doors with a security officer with him and pressed the chime to open the door.

The scuffle inside the ready room had been brief but violent. The Captain had been working at her desk, confident that Commander Savar was taking care of things. She'd managed to get her desk to just inside the door before the intruders had beamed in, dropping her with a strike to the head then hauling her back to her feet with a weapon pointed to her temple. The doors opened to reveal the hostage situation.

Savar leveled his phaser at the intruder. "Release the Captain now." He demanded as he motioned the security officer to flank the intruder.

At that moment the ship shuddered violently, spinning in space. "Commander, I am showing a decompression on decks 2 - 4, crew quarters. The bulkhead is gone, emergency shielding is in place, but not for long. There are a number of missing."

And then there was a plea, a cry for help, not in the room, not in the darkness, but in the recesses of his mind. *Imzadi!* She cried out.

*Aurora!* He cried out silently though his face was as composed as ever.

The intruder raised the weapon at the Captain's head, dissuading the security officer from trying anything.

"Surrender your vessel," He said, his voice threatening and dangerous.

"No." Savar answered simply.

"Then your Captain will die and your crew will follow" The intruder poked the Captain in the small of her back, forcing her onto the bridge then onto her knees. The rest of the Intruders paused to look on.

"Orders?" One of them asked, looking towards their leader.

Savar looked at Rhenora then at the leader of the intruders as he spoke his next. "Computer activate self destruct." Then to the leader, "Release the Captain."

The intruder paused for a few moments as though contemplating his next move, weapon still at the kneeling Captain's head. He eyed Savar, standing stoic and still faced as ever. "You would kill yourself and everyone on board this ship, for what? Your self-sacrifice is not logical. We could leave and destroy you anyway, what purpose does this serve?" The leader sneered, then spat in the Vulcan's direction.

Once more a cry rang through his mind, something the computer could not really replicate on a holodeck. It was weaker, raspier this time. *Imzadi, I can't breathe. I will always love you.* and then her voice faded once more.



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