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A Concerning Call

Posted on Wed Jun 2nd, 2021 @ 2:08am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Edited on on Wed Jun 2nd, 2021 @ 2:15am

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Liberty Backpost

Captain Kaylen Rhenora was relaxing in her quarters, the Liberty now being docked at DS9 there was little operationally for her to do other than the usual tidyup of reports and the like. She was listening to a little music and reading when the call from Commander Savar came in.

"Captain. would you please come to Sickbay?" Savar inquired. Rhenora would hear the underlying emotion in his voice.

" Of course" The words were instant as there was something underlying in the XO's voice that very few would pick up on. She dropped the book back on the couch and was out the door in an instant, not caring that she wasn't in uniform.

Savar was standing in Sickbay and doing his best not to pace as he waited for word on Aurora's condition when Rhenora came in. "Captain, thank you for coming."

" You're more than welcome, I'm assuming that Aurora is in surgery with complications?" She looked around the vacant sickbay.

"You are correct Captain. Aurora is have some severe complications in regards to this pregnancy. Dr. Wilson is currently operating on her now."

Rhenora could see the tension on the Vulcan's face, years of working together she had become accustomed to his expressions however minute they may be.

"She's in the best place - Dr Wilson is highly skilled as a surgeon" Rhenora tried to soothe.

"Undoubtedly you are correct Captain however I find myself emotionally compromised in this situation. Meditation has had no effect and I find my thoughts consistently returning to Aurora."

" It's a completely normal and natural reaction to a threat to your family" The Captain started, keeping half an eye on the door behind them less Dr Wilson came in with news.

Savar nodded as Rhenora spoke. "I find it distracting and I feel helpless when I should be there with Aurora.''

" There is nothing you can do for her at the moment, being in there will only hinder the medical team" Rhenora replied gently, guiding the commander over to the small lounge that rested against one wall. "All we can do is wait - and hope"

Savar allowed himself to be guided. "I do not know how to hope Captain. It is not the Vulcan way. It is not logical. I do not see how you and others can do it." As he said it he felt guilty. "I perceive I am letting Aurora down and that distresses me."

" There are several ways to 'hope'. Some cultures let their faith guide them, and thus will pray for the desired outcome, others simply visualise the outcome and put all their energy into making it happen. It can be as simple as believing that deep inside everything will be ok" She tried to explain.

"I see." Savar replied wasn't sure that he really did. He knew how to focus his thoughts on a certain topic or task so he would do that now with Aurora as he visualized them spending a quiet evening together.

"Good, now hang onto that thought for as long as you can" The Bajoran encouraged, saying her own quiet prayer to the Prophets for the safety of both mother and baby. The surgical suite was sound proofed so they had no idea how things were going.

He looked at her, "Your presence and our conversation has been most comforting and welcomed. I thank you for the time you have spent with me and apologize for taking you from your husband."

"Don't ever apologize Savar. I'm your friend and as close to family as this starship can offer. I will provide as much support as I can" The Captain replied, however the rest of her words were cut off as the door opened and Dr Wilson entered to advise of Aurora's condition.

Savar turned as Sarah approached. "Doctor, how is Aurora?" He asked... hoping the Doctor had some positive news.

The Captain waited patiently and observed as the doctor addressed her friend.

" She's doing well, there were some complications, but she's a fighter. Both her and the baby are doing well. You may go and see her whenever you're ready" Sarah smiled, motioning to one of the private rooms at the rear of sickbay.

Savar nodded, "Thank you and your team for all you have done. I am very grateful." He started for the room stopped and did a half turn to look at Rhenora, "Coming Captain?"

She paused for a moment, contemplating if this should be a private reunion between husband and wife or if Savar wanted support with her presence.

"Would you like me to come? I wasn't sure if you wanted privacy or not?" The Captain admitted.

Savar nodded. "I most definitely would like you to come Captain. You are my friend as well as Aurora's and i know she would like to see you."

She nodded and fell into step behind Savar as Sarah led them to the private room.

"Please, keep it calm and keep it brief, she's still recovering from surgery" Sarah whispered as they entered.

"Why would I not be calm Doctor? Is there more to what you are telling me?" Savar questioned Sarah.

" Not at all Commander, the moment one becomes a father no matter the circumstances can be quite overwhelming" The Doctor replied simply.

"May I remind you Doctor that this is not Aurora and mine's child. It was forced on her. I am relieved that the baby is alright but my primary concern is Aurora." Savar answered frostily.

Sarah realised she'd hit a nerve and changed tack. "She's going to be fine Commander, she just needs to rest. We're currently running some genetic sequencing to try and ascertain which species the baby is."

"Thank you Doctor. That is a great and welcome relief." Savar replied.

"I'll leave you all be" Sarah did a quick check of mother and baby and left the room.

"Shall we Captain?" Savar asked as he opened the door.

"Please" She followed him into the room.


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