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Rapid Changes

Posted on Wed Jun 2nd, 2021 @ 3:30am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Quarks

Captain Kaylen Rhenora felt both excited and slightly overwhelmed as Captain Shannon left to inform the Sunfire's crew of the change of ship. Rhenora had yet to do the same and felt in the first instance she needed to advise her XO and trusted friend.

"Computer, locate Commander Savar"

"Commander Savar is in his ready room." Came the bland monotone voice of the ship's computer.

" Commander, would you join me at Quarks?" Rhenora paged her XO, not surprised that he was working at this late hour.

"Certainly Captain." Came the quick reply though unseen by Captain Kaylen came the arching of an eyebrow and the single thought of puzzlement of what the captain wanted to talk to him about and at Quarks. "Most odd." He muttered as he rose to meet her.

" Burning the midnight oil Commander?" She rose to greet him, a glass of synthahol on the table before her indicating she'd been there for a while.

"Going over departmental maintenance requests Captain." He replied as he slid gracefully on to the chair opposite her. He motioned the waitress over and ordered a fruit drink. "What's brings you here Captain at this late hour?" He turned the question back on her.

"I've just spent the last few hours chatting with Captain Shannon about her time on the Sunfire, and about the new orders we received" Rhenora handed the padd over to Savar that detailed the change of crews and command as well as their new mission to the Gamma quadrant.

Savar read the PaDD and when finished placed it to one side. "It would seem congratulations are in order Captain. Congratulations on your new command and returning home. I know how much this means to you. I also see we have been assigned to the Gamma quadrant."

" I'm going to need your help to get all of this organised in such a short period of time. We need to recall the crew and get everyone transferred over before we ship out" Rhenora explained, cutting straight to the chase.

"Of course Captain. I am here to serve you and the ship in whatever capacity you need." Savar stated.

" I think it's going to be a steep learning curve for everyone" Kaylen mused wryly, " But we're up for the challenge - don't you agree?"

"With this crew and you as the leader, there is nothing that we can not accomplish. I am convinced of that." Savar replied confidently and with self assurance.

" Awww Savar, you flatter me with your confidence. We are a team though, I can't do this without your continued support" She admonished gently, before handing over the specs for their new command. "Akira class, we may be in for some more...dangerous...missions"

"My confidence is well placed Captain. I have seen you and this crew in action." He reminded her as he took the PaDD containing the Sunfire's specs. "Most impressive. I would speculate that this class of ship is intended to operate on it's own and without assistance being readily available."

"That's my take as well, a lone ranger so to speak. " Rhenora mused, still not quite believing that it was all happening. "I have the crew roster, we will need to slightly refine the crew assignments, the crew compliment is less than the Sovereign class. I suggest we allow any crew who wish to remain behind to do so within reason"

"A logical and well reasoned suggestion Captain. If memory serves the Akira class has a crew complement of 500 compared to 700 with the Sovereign class." Savar replied. "Or 71.4285 percent of our current manifest." He finished.

"Correct, and Captain Shannon will need a few extra hands." Rhenora nodded as she reviewed the manifest.

"Undoubtedly she will Captain. I hope we will able to retain all of our key personnel." Savar replied.

" Then I suggest we get started on the Comms, time is a ticking Commander" Rhenora drained the rest of the glass in front of her. "Shall we?"

"A most logical decision Captain." He finished his glass of fruit drink and looked at his captain and friend. "By all means Captain, we should."

The headed back to the Liberty to make the arrangements and inform the crew - there was much to do and little time to get it all done in.


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