Moving Forward - A Brand New Day
Posted on Thu Nov 21st, 2024 @ 2:04am by Remal Kajun & Captain Rhenora Kaylen
The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor
Two days, or was it now three, later. The group consisting of Remal, Rhenora, Patina'aki, Jenna and Zio had all settled into a routine of life. Morning breakfast duties, feeding, burping, walking, then lunch and nappies, and more nappies. Each of them had taken their turn, including Jenna who was trying her best to adapt and be there wholeheartedly.
The atmosphere in the cabin, broken as it was already, was beginning to fray. One could call it cabin fever, or tediousness, or simply tired from the late night feedings. In any case, no matter how you looked at it, the closeness exacerbated by the strained tensions. Remal, for as upbeat as he tried to appear, was ready for some alone time with his wife. No one had yet counseled the counselor.
Jenna was currently holding Patina, rocking her slowly near the fire. Zio for her part was staring out the window, internally torn. She had spent hours on the holo talking to her children, a clear sign she was ready to go home. Part of her, however, wished to remain and help care for the child she had so quickly become attached to.
Remal entered the bedroom area, where Rhenora was resting, having recently fed Patina, again. He was carrying some tea Sarah had recommended, and at the back of the tray, fresh coffee, he was recommending. "Good evening." He said quietly and with a comforting grin. "Dinner time for Momma."
Rhenora stirred at the scent of coffee and the promise of food. "And who's looking after Daddy during all of this?" She asked as she turned over and sat up, accepting the coffee gratefully and eyeing the tea with suspicion. "Are you bugging Sarah on her time off?"
Tray sat aside, he lay back on the bed, his head resting in her lap so that he could look up into her tired eyes. "You know Sarah. Rarely takes a day off from tending patients. She insisted on the tea."
He rocked his head from side to side creating an audible popping sound in his neck. "As for Daddy, he's managing. Right now he's asking himself, and his partner, what would happen if he just laid here for a bit and forgot the world. Your lap makes for a quiet little haven."
"Rest then my dear. There is no one outside this room who needs you at the moment. " she stroked his hair absently as she mused about what he must have been through. "Have you spoken to Aurora about what happened?" She asked cautiously, wondering if it was too soon to broach the topic of self care.
He thought about who may need him, inside, the room and talking to Aurora. "Not yet. We'll talk about, things, when we return to the ship. I mean, how does one broach the subject?"
He cleared his throat in a mocking manner. "Uh hum, yes, this would be the fourth, no fifth, time she has died, but I truly believe this is the first time it really felt like she was really gone. Yes I know the stages of grieving can impact rational thought, and with her alive once more I should be able to see some semblance of reason, in time." He chuckled even though it was mentally difficult to come to terms with the concept.
She was grateful for his attempt to bring levity to the situation even though the topic was a difficult one. "I won't lecture you, but I know you'll look after yourself" she said with meaning "I need you to look after yourself. I can't do this without you." The words were earnest and honest. She rested a hand on his for emphasis.
He reached his hand up and placed the palm on her cheek, his large hand extending around her head and into her hair. "Nor I you." His eyes showed his sincerity. "I promise I will talk with her as soon as we get back. Now..." He asked with a sheepish grin, "How are you feeling, you know, as the one who died and all?" It was more than a physical question, more like a psychological and spiritual one. She and the Prophets had become too close for his liking as of late.
"I'm tired" she admitted before feeling as though he deserved a better response than that. "It's not just the night feeds and waking. It's something more than that. I think it'll take some time to adjust and process everything, not to mention for my body to heal" she admitted honestly. "Patina doesn't exactly give one much time to wallow, she can be quite vocal in her needs"
There was a chuckle between then before they fell into a companionable silence. "I do feel I should talk to Aurora, I don't want to intrude on her recreation time though" she commented.
"Fair." He said, feeling tired also. "Just don't put it off too long. Dealing with death, including your own, is not something you should ever have to manage yourself." He yawned, enjoying the soft touch of her hands.
"And should you feel ready to try for a second child, just give me a heads up. I'll be game for trying anyway, not for the potential death part of course." He smiled as his eyes began to sink, to show he was both sincere and being facetious at the same time. Finding humour through pain was a good sign to some.
She chuckled softly at his remark. "The trying is always the fun part. The rest of it not so much." She was surprised he was coping as well as he was. "Besides the Prophets haven't shown me anything past what has already transpired. So I guess I'm off their radar for a while. They have Patin now to contend with as well. That would be keeping them busy!'
"Indeed." He thought about his original vision, which had changed slightly over the years. Several things had remained constant however, several good things. "I'm hoping she's giving them a piece of her mind. They'll be begging her to leave and regretting their choice."
"I'm reminded of my original vision. The one that started me along this path. Of you, the cabin, the beach and the two children, the youngest barely running without falling down. There was some sort of bright light in the sky and then nothing. It was all so very peaceful. It lead me to build this place, and to find you. Since then, I think I've fallen out of favor with 'them'." He said knowing she would understand he was referring to the Prophets.
"Our paths diverged and at some point, you became their focus. I've never met another person aside from the Sisko who has communed with 'Them' as much as you have, sometimes, not for the better." This was his way of coping. By being close and feeling nostalgic and by talking it out, all of it. "I'm hopeful they will leave you be now, and for a long time to come."
"Somehow I think they will have their hands full for the time being" Rhenora said softly, her head hanging slightly "We never asked for any of this, yet we became pawns in a bigger picture, a tapestry we will never see completed." She paused for a moment. "I have faith in your vision, that there will be a peaceful life with another little Remal running around. Let me get used to this one first though"
"Mmm." He murmured in agreement even as he shifted slightly, his eyes falling closed in her lap. From her bassinet, Patina stirred and began making noise. Remal's eyes shot open, "Speaking of pawns in a bigger picture... " He joked as he sat up and moved to tend to the wee one. "It's like she knows."
"She knows she's hungry. I swear that's all she knows" Rhenora laughed as she froze and hoped that their young one would go back to sleep, at least for a little while.
"item number one for education, teach her when Ma and Fa need to be left alone. If for only five minutes." He turned Patina onto her side and tucked her blankets back around her, allowing one foot to stick out. He had noticed she preferred her right foot out same as he. She was then quiet, nessling back to sleep. He turned and held a finger to his lips. "Now, your turn." He whispered with a devilish grin.
A short time later the quartet were gathered around the dining table. It was oddly quiet with each lost in their own thoughts and futures. Rhenora turned her attention to the more immediate matters.
"How are your kin?" She asked Zio, having heard her chatting to her children for an extended time earlier in the day. It was a subtle opening that if the warrior wanted to return home to her children that it would be OK.
She stopped eating and swallowed her food. "My oldest, Cole, is doing well. He misses me, of course, but he's all about the Academy. Apparently he's decided to join without talking to me first." She was hesitant as she looked down at her plate and then back up.
"My daughter on the other hand, spit-fire that she is, has been a bit of a loss without her Ma at her side." She took a drink of the wine in front of her to wash the lump in her throat away. "This is good for her though, you know, learning to live without her Ma always providing the right answer. She'll be of age soon and there have been so many boys come calling. In hindsight, the jungle life was a rough upbringing." There was a deeper connotation there she was only hinting at.
"Ahh the boys, she'll need her Ma to fight them off I'm sure" Rhenora laughed as she ate. "You are welcome to return to them anytime. Although you may need to teach me that settling technique that you use that seems to work so well. Not all of us are old hats."
"I know I can. I've just found it difficult to want to return, like there is some nagging niggle my melon telling me you two, or maybe the four of you..." She looked around the room and stole a glance to where Patina was sleeping. "Somehow that you need me. I've grown attached."
"You're welcome to stay, or even come back to the ship with us if you want to, your kids included." Rhenora offered, not wanting Zio to feel unwelcome.
There was another pause as Rhenora's brain caught up with the conversation. "Hang on, your son has enrolled in the Academy? What stream? When? How did he do that without you knowing?" The questions were rapid fire.
"He hasn't enrolled yet, just been obsessing over it is all. He's got a penchant for exploration and weapons." She rolled her eyes. "Likes to pretend he is already a Security officer. Often acts like one to me and his sister. But that was why that conversation lasted so long. He's already filled out his application and plans on filing it as soon as he can work up the nerve." She concluded, fielding the questions to the best of her concerned parenting ability.
"Security is a rough field to be in, but I've seen how your son handles a weapon. He'll be a good fit." Remal responded with something he considered positive. Zio frowned to show she was not at all happy with the idea.
"And your opinion on the matter is?" Rhenora prompted gently. "And don't measure Starfleet by us, we have a terrible track record, even in Starfleet." She laughed, watching Remal start counting crashes on his fingers.
Zio shifted her eyes from one to the other not really knowing what their track record was. "It scares me, honestly. It's been less than a year since their Fa died and I don't know how I could live if I lost one or both of my children. I've seen what happens to those in your Starfleet. It's not pretty. People seem to come back, different, changed." The concern was evident.
"Life changes people" Rhenora said gently, "sometimes Starfleet is the catalyst for that change, other times not. You can't let them choose their own path whilst keeping them safe all the time. Trust that you've done as much as you can to prepare them for their future and watch them fly."
Zio raised a skeptical eyebrow, "Right Mama Kaylen. I'll remind you of those same words when it's your turn." She then cracked a smile, "I knew at some point I would have to turn them loose, every parent knows at some point. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon. I don't suppose you'd let me lock them in your Brig for another year... or three if I promise to come visit?" She was making lite of her situation.
"Not much of a view from the Brig though." Rhenora laughed, lightening the mood a little. "What do you plan on doing though?"
"I suppose you're right. Didn't hurt to ask though." She took a bite of her greens before continuing. "There isn't much I can do other than support their decisions. If I fight them on their choices, they will only come to resent me. I'll urge caution, but I know it will fall on deaf ears, or stubborn ones. The best thing I can do is show them I love them and hope for the best."
Jenna sat quietly listening to Zio talk about her children and could only think of her own father. He was similar in so many ways and the complete opposite of her mother. Who as it turned out was a bit of a maniacal psychopath with twisted intentions. She shuddered inwardly, glad those days were long behind her.
"What are your plans Jenna? You've got some leave while the Sunfire is docked, what floats your boat?" Rhen changed the focus away from Zio or a moment.
"Me?" Jenna asked, her mouth filled with the yummy food, which she hurried to swallow. "Um, hadn't thought about it much really. My plans went so far as to be your permanent bodyguard, of sorts." She said looking at Rhenora, before shifting to Remal. "Not to take your job or anything Sir."
Surprised, Remal responded in kind, "Sir? Not sure I deserve the old man moniker just yet. But I take your meaning and with this one, I'll take whatever help I can get." He added with a pointed jab towards Rhen.
"Oi you two" Rhenora elbowed Remal lightly in the ribs. "You speak as though I have prior form in these things. I assure you all I am completely innocent" she laughed and took a sip of coffee as the giggles subsided. "You can stay here if you like, or grab a place in town. Although I can assure you the drama is over, apart from sleep deprivation that is"
"Well, I don't want to impose and I am not near as qualified as Zio, but I might take you up on the offer for a day or two. I do have a flight crew to manage, but like me, they've been given downtime too." Jenna said, circling back around.
"The flight crew are on leave. So relax, enjoy, and spend some time with your new family. If you'll have us of course" Rhenora knew how much Jenna missed simply belonging.
No words were needed as Jenna simply nodded to show her respect. Remal raised a glass and toasted "Family." One word, it was all that was needed to seal the deal. With all they had been through over the years, there was no question, no doubt, not argument they were indeed Family.
It was settled. The previous days were gone, over with. The days ahead looked bright. Plans were being made and one by one, life was beginning to find its rhythm. Sure there would be bumps, small little hiccups in the road, but they would all face them together.
We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
[Verse 2]
I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's burstin' into life
Captain Rhenora Kaylen
Commanding Officer, USS Sunfire

Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Chief Flight Control Officer & Mission Advisor, USS Sunfire

Remal Kajun
Counselor Aide, USS Sunfire
Husband of the Captain

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne
Friend of the Captain, USS Sunfire

Played By Commander Jenna Ramthorne