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Mental Conversation

Posted on Thu Aug 22nd, 2024 @ 11:42pm by Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Commander Jenna Ramthorne

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: USS Sunfire - Conference room

Conference Room

Once inside the conference room, Jenna walked to the window side of the table and turned around, her back to the stars. "You asked to speak with me counselor?" She asked simply, not knowing where the conversation might lead.

“I thought you might need to talk” Aurora was direct and to the point, there was no need to beat around the bush. “You mentioned personal reasons...”

Jenna's shoulders relaxed as she realized this conversations was going to be personal and not professional. "Ah, yes, I had planned to schedule an appointment but had not gotten the chance." She shifted slightly, "I'm not certain if you have had a chance to review my file or know anything about my history." Her eyes rolled, "I know Starfleet covered up the details pretty tight."

"Anyway, in regards to 8472, and telepathy, We... I had a friend and previous doctor who helped open my mind so that now it receives telepathic thoughts, usually stronger, uncontrolled and random thoughts, and I have never gotten the grasp on how to block them. I've also sent thoughts, but it's like I have to yell loudly in my head, if you know what I mean, for someone else to hear them. It can be rather unnerving, you know?"

Aurora nodded. “I know it is, telepathy can be completely overwhelming if you don’t know how to control it. I could probably give you advice on how to block it, but the best teacher I’ve found is funnily enough...Savar!” She smiled. “Vulcan techniques are very good for teaching control. At present you’d be open to someone invading your mind because you don’t know how to block the input.”

"Sadly situation and timing did not allow me to learn, also maybe a shade of discipline at the time." Jenna clearly looked apologetic about her ordeal. Her hands went to her head, "It's just, there's so much noise sometimes. I don't suppose you or Savar would happen to have a temporary solution just in case we do run into 8472?"

“A temporary quick solution would be a neural inhibitor, it could be set to totally block, or simply filter the amount of input your brain gets.” Aurora offered a melancholy look. “I hate them myself, but then I’m used to having permanent input from my senses, the background hum of voices is normal for me I’d be lost without them.”

"I can only imagine. I've also tried the inhibitor, it just created a weird buzzing in my head. So far I've also tried meditation and isolation, which helps but only on the surface level. Do you know how difficult it is to isolate yourself in a city full of other people?" Jenna smiled a twisted little smile. "Anyway, I'm game for any insight you can offer."

Aurora nodded and smiled. “Have you spoken to Sarah.. Lieutenant Wilson? She’s a wonderful doctor and very insightful, she could come up with other suggestions. How’s about you and I get together with Savar and Sarah? A group gathering to put our heads together?”

"I have not, which is probably breaking protocol, and I am not opposed. There is one other thing, since I am on a 'sort of' probation, I am required to speak with a counselor about my past trauma. Now, I was going to take my problems to Remal, but he might not be impartial since we have been friends for so long. Besides, with their baby due soon, I figure he'll be taking some time off. Think you're up to the task?"

Aurora nodded. “I wouldn’t be Chief Counsellor if I wasn’t” she smiled warmly. “Consider yourself under my care now.”

"Thank you." Jenna acknowledged with a curt not of her head. "I cannot promise it will be easy. I've been known to be stubborn." She shifted as she reached out her hand to shake Aurora's. As she did she noticed a slight movement at the Counselor's abdomen and she froze, "How... how far along are you?" She questioned awkwardly.

Aurora gave Jenna a curious look. “Oh err... just around 16 weeks.” She offered a smile. “I believe it’s just about time for baby movements to start.”

"Sorry, didn't mean to misspeak. I just notice things, and between your skin and my memory of what it was like to be with child at 16 weeks, perhaps I imagined something that wasn't really there." She was now abashedly sorry her own failed pregnancy was still impacting her mind, five years later.

“No, I think you were right. I’ve only just started feeling it myself.” Aurora’s smile practically shone. “It’s so exciting!” She paused. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize you had a child.”

"It is, and I was, a long time ago." Jenna straightened up, "It's a part of the trauma I was talking about and it is a long, dark, story. Something we can talk about later, in a private session. But I am happy for you, really."

“Thank you” Aurora smiled. “I’m sorry for your loss, but as you said a conversation for another time. Right now we have the pressing matter of getting home to resolve.” She offered a warm smile. “We’ll arrange that meeting though, get you some help.”

"No, thank you for being understanding. I've been working on 'myself' for a long time is seems. Some scars never truly heal. Anyway, I've taken enough of your time unless you have anything else in the short term, I'll check with the doctor and see what insights she has to offer. Maybe apologize to her for not getting my checkup when I came on board."

Aurora smiled. “Nothing further, we should be getting back.” She stood ready to leave. “If you need me you know where to find me.”


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