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Posted on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 @ 8:00am by 1st Lieutenant Freya Score & 2nd Lieutenant Connor McQueen

Mission: Character Development
Location: Marine CO Office
Timeline: Current

Score was currently reading reports of the new incoming Marines, She had a new XO, Nice she thought. tapped her comm badge. =/\=Score to McQueen, Report to Marine CO office Please=/\=

=/\= On my way =/\= He had just finished stowing his gear in his small quarters, making sure everything had been placed just the way he liked them. Straightening out his BDU shirt he walked out through the door and down the corridor to the lift that took him up to the deck above. Walking in to the small room he nodded to the enlisted sitting behind the desk and stood just inside the doorway. “Lieutenant McQueen, here to see Lieutenant Score”

"She's in, Go right in" Replied the enlisted, Not even looking up from her PADD.

He squinted for a moment at the lack of decorum, making a side note, he may have to look into it further. He walked toward the door as it slid open he walked to the front of the Marine CO desk and came to attention as he lifted his hand to his forehead in a crisp salute. “Lieutenant McQueen as ordered.” He waited for the CO as he looked straight ahead at the wall behind her.

"Yes, Please, Sit" Freya replied motioning to the seat in front of her.

Connor dropped his hand and his eyes to look at his CO, he squinted slightly as he took the order at an “at ease” and nodded before stepping around the chair and sitting down.

"Name is Freya, Tell me what you want me to know about you" Freya asked.

He smirked at her slightly and tilted his head a bit as he paused studying her. “What I want you to know about me Lieutenant? I am loyal to the Corp ma’am many times to a fault, other then that… everything you should know, or everything the Corp wants you to know is in my file..” He watched for any reaction.

Freya laughed, "I meant little nicknacks that are not in the file"

The laugh took Connor a bit off guard, he wasn’t expecting this meeting to be so informal. “Well, my pilot call sign is Lobo. And it’s kinda just stuck with me throughout my career so far.”

Lobo, Wonder where he got that. Freya stood. "Lets walk and talk" She then walked out and down the corridor

Nodding, he stood as Freya did, “Of course, lead the way.”

"As Marine CO some people expect me to be harsh and cruel when it comes to following Regulations, Which I am not, I more lenient than an average marine, would you say the same about yourself?" Freya asked

Connor walked by her side as she spoke, his hands clasped behind his back as he responded “Harsh and cruel… certainly not, however I believe the Corp has a set of rules and regulations for a reason. I have seen many times in the heat of battle when all common sense disappears.. rules and regulations are what Marines can fall back on to keep themselves focused and do what needs to be done.”

Connor looked around for a moment, then he focused on Freya’s face, it was the first time he really looked at her. She was an extremely beautiful woman.. he shook his head slightly and refocused to the task at hand.
“However, that being said.. there are times when rules and regulations need to be bent… or broken.”

Well...He seemed to have a heart skip there for a minute, After looking at me, Interesting. Freya stopped, and turned to Conner, Studying his dark brown hair and blue eyes, He was handsome in a way, Only sucks any relationship would be prohibited, Unless... "What I am implying is, If there were something to go down that there were no protocols that said do this and that, Would you do whatever it takes to fix that problem?"

He halted mid step as she suddenly stopped and turned to look at him. He studied her once again before answering, a small pause. “As long as the Marines in this detachment were to be kept safe both under my command and those above… Whatever it takes Lieutenant..” He watched her closely as he waited.

Freya nodded. "All I needed to know, Wanna stop by after shift in the lounge and get some drinks?"

“It would be my pleasure, Lieutenant..” He said nodding with a small smirk

Freya then pulled out her small personnel padd. "Well, Shift is up in 10, Nothing is really going on, So I should be good to leave, Shall we have them now?"

Connor still didn’t know how to take his CO, she was.. interesting to say the least. He was definitely looking forward to getting to know her better. “I’ll have to get changed and take a quick shower, but I can meet you there if you like?”

Freya nodded. "Sounds like a plan"

1st Lieutenant Freya Score
Marine Commanding Officer , USS Sunfire

2nd Lieutenant Conner McQueen
Marine Executive Officer , USS Sunfire


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