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Too much time or not enough?

Posted on Sun Jun 2nd, 2024 @ 11:34am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Lieutenant Sarah Wilson

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Captain's Quarters

There was one thing Captain Kaylen Rhenora knew was almost as instinctual as breathing, and that was captaining a starship. She lived and breathed her job, it consumed every fibre of her being. With the demands on her time and thus her mind being steadily reduced, she found herself listless, almost lifeless, the drive that powered her now a mediocre series of meetings, hangovers and reviews. Occasionally called upon to offer consultation she found the lack of demand on her mind almost frustrating.

Awaking in the morning of a designated ‘off’ day, and Remal off assisting with Aurora's appointments, the Bajoran captain was left with the rooms of their quarters in silence. There was a Thermos of coffee on the table and she realised she must have slept late, a testament to the demands being placed on her body.

“Mumma needs coffee” she settled down at the table, still dressed in comfortable pyjamas and having no need to change any time soon.
Coffee was followed by breakfast, a bowl of warm hasperat, replicated unfortunately but it was still warm in her belly.

“Computer, what is my schedule for today?”

“You have an appointment with Dr Sarah Wilson in sickbay at 1100 hours, Commander Baldric has requested a meeting at 1400 hours” the computer intoned.

“Confirm meeting request with Commander Baldric” Rhenora replied, knowing that if she missed her appointment with the ship's CMO the woman was likely to hunt her down personally. Dr Wilson was a petite but formidable woman who few had the gall to argue with.

She sat musing over what her replacement wanted to discuss and actually looked forward to the meeting, hoping there would be an opportunity to guide, or inspire and even help solve a problem.

“Computer what is the time?”

“The time is 1045 hours”

A curse in modern Bajoran escaped her lips as she hurried towards bathroom for a quick shower and to dress. There was no way she was going to be late.

Half an hour later the doors of sickbay parted to reveal a flustered and red faced Captain. Dr Wilson meanwhile stood tapping her toe with her arms crossed.

“You're late”

“I know…” Rhenora replied with a look of embarrassment. “I couldn't find a pair of pants that fit…”



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