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Meeting the Captain

Posted on Tue Jun 4th, 2024 @ 8:20am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Jennifer Baldric & 2nd Lieutenant Connor McQueen

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Just after leaving Starbase

Captain Kaylen Rhenora was chatting with her co-commanding officer in thr Sunfire's ready room, going through the transition program and how the crew were reacting.

"So next week, you'll take over crew reports and general welfare..."Rhenora was explaining, pointing to a few key points on the desktop monitor between them. So far it was going well, the gradual shift of command from the existing Captain Kaylen to her replacement in Commander Baldric.

The door chime rang, indicating someone was waiting outside.

"Ahh that must be our new marine officer" Rhenore smiled.

"Come in" Baldric called at Rhenora's nod.

As Connor stood in the lift re-reading his orders he shook his head slightly. ‘Posted to the Sunfire with a demotion..’ he thought to himself, he did not quite understand the inner workings of Marine Command however much he thought about what reasonings they had. As always though Connors job was not to think but to die and do. He looked up as the doors to the lift opened and he stepped out as he made his way down the corridor. As he took a deep breath in front of the doors before him he gathered his thoughts and pressed the chime. As the voice inside told him to come in he composed himself and stepped through.

He took a quick look around the room, internally making a list of what he saw. He stood before the pair and came to a crisp salute.

“2nd Lieutenant McQueen, reporting for duty” he looked straight ahead and awaited for their response.

Captain Kaylen rose from her chair and returned the salute, as did Commander Baldric. "At ease, please come in and take a seat." Rhenora offered, pointing to the vacant chair opposite the large workstation. "Could I get you something to drink perhaps? Tea, coffee, Vulcan spiced tea?"

As he relaxed his stance, he slowly walked to the side of the offered seat, placing his hands behind his back Connor shook his head and smiled a bit. “If it not a bother I’d rather stand Captain..I feel like these legs have been sitting for way too long as it is. As for the drink, I am fine. But I appreciate the offer.”

"Whatever makes you comfortable" The Captain smiled as she headed to the replicator and ordered two coffees, taking one for herself and handing the other to Baldric. Taking her seat again she took a sip of the bitter liquid before regarding the new officer before her.

"Do you prefer Connor, or McQueen?" She asked.

He watched her with intent as she moved across the room. “McQueen is fine Captain.” Slightly curious as to how much of his past she actually knew.

"McQueen it is then" she replied, sitting back and taking another sip of coffee. Pulling up his personnel file she noted the classified sections and raised an eyebrow.

"Parts of your file are classified beyond even my clearance level, is there something I should be aware of that you can tell me?" She asked honestly

Connor thought for a small second, “Unfortunately Captain I cannot, I hope you can appreciate the need for..obscurity in Marine Command matters. However, as far as this ship or her personal onboard, my past is the past, and will not intrude on anything I do here.”

"Interesting, I'm sure it will be quite the read if it ever becomes declassified" Commander Baldric mused, "I trust that you will enlighten us should the situation demand us"

“Of course Commander, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” he bowed his head slightly as he took the time to study her.

Before the conversation could turn down darker paths, the Captain decided to change the topic. "Before we go any further, I will enlighten you as to our current command structure" Rhenora explained, taking another sip of coffee. "I will be taking leave soon, and Commander Baldric will be taking over command. Commander Savar currently serves as ships First Officer. "

He bowed his head again toward Jennifer and then refocused his attention to Rhenora. “I understand Captain, and I hope this leave finds you well and is only for a short time.”

"It will take as long as it takes" Rhenora patted her rounded belly. "But alas I plan to return as soon as I am able. In the meantime, Commander Baldric is ensuring a smooth and seamless transition. She is more than capable of captaining this ship and leading her crew."

At these words Baldric blushed a little and deflected the conversation away from herself.

"So, it will be refreshing to have a new marine on board. We only have a small department but I can assure you that you will have plenty to do" she started.

Connor dismissed the banter between the two, assuming it was some inside relationship that he was not privy to. He expressed his quick congratulations to the Captain and turned his head back to Jennifer “I have no doubt Commander, it seems that the Sunfire has a reputation for leading the way, I look forward to working with everyone onboard. I have read over the manifests for the Marine compliment.. restricted to a few small platoons as I can tell. Which is fine, I understand Lt. Score has been keeping them battle ready. I look forward to meeting her as well.”

"We try our best Mr McQueen. I look forward to working with you" Badelic smiled as she drained what was left in her cup. "Do you have any questions?'"

“No, I don’t think so anyway. Just eager to get down to the grind and find the Lieutenant. But if I do, I’ll be sure to pass them along to the both of you” He smiled slightly as he bowed his head to each of the women in turn.

"Thank you Mr McQueen, and welcome aboard" Rhenora Rose and offered her hand in the tradition Federation custom. Baldric nodded cordially. The meeting drew to a natural close and the officers went on their way.


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