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Caged animal

Posted on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 9:55am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Remal Kajun

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Captain's Quarters

She paced like a lioness caged behind bars, restless yet unwilling to stop moving for fear of what would happen if she did. Frustrated, exhausted yet determined all the same.

Remal entered from the bedroom, a cup of tea in his hands. He spotted her pacing and noted her unconsumed cup on the table. He immediately surmised that she had not even attempted to drink any. He leaned against the door frame and took a sip before commenting, "Does the pacing help?" Counselor mode activated.

"No. Yes...I don't know. I hate feeling useless, like some discarded item that's lost it's usefulness" Rhenora replied grumpily before softening her tone. "I'm not used to taking a back seat"

He took in what she was pushing out, like taking a sip of his tea, which he took another before responding. "Is that truly how you feel, useless? If I may offer a counter, you've been sidelined before and have rolled with it. The difference this time is that you're feeling upstaged by a rather intrusive upstart. She's still your ship. This is still your crew."

He recognized that the words did not appear to be calming her down and so, moved off the door frame and wrapped his arms around her, clutching tighter until he felt her relax in his grip. "Besides," he continued, "It's not a back seat but a roll shift from mothering your crew to mothering your child." It was one perspective, one he knew his emotional partner needed in this moment.

There was a moment of resistance, then her anger waned with the strength of his comforting grip. "When did you get so wise?" She turned to face him, enjoying the feeling of protection and ease, allowing it to sooth her fears. "Ever the counsellor"

They moved to the arm chairs, arranged to enjoy a view of the stars from their living space within their quarters. For a while they said in companionable silence, each letting their thoughts drift as they took in the unfamiliar stars. "Is this what it's like to be a normal person? To not be on duty all the time and not having to be at the top of your game all the time. And what is this... free time... that we now find ourselves with?"

"I'm not certain I have the answer to 'what is normal'. What I do know is we are entering a new chapter. One that is different that the last, but not so different that we can't figure it out, together. As for free time, I wouldn't go getting used to it. The saying 'raising a child takes a village' came about for a reason. This one will be no different. Full of energy and just a stubborn and rebellious as her mother."

"Or it could take after its father, a wise old soul who has seen it all before and takes everything in its stride?" She tossed back in jest. "Prophet's forbid it takes after me, the universe couldn't handle that." They shared a good natured easy laugh.

"As for Baldric, she is going to succeed or fail on her own. A little humble pie would do her some good. And, if you were the one to serve it to her, she might learn a thing or two about what it takes to sit in your chair. To fill your shoes, so to speak." He smiled his devilish grin which was alluding to the idea it would be okay for her to be a bit bad if she wanted to. He always had her best interest at heart.

"She's getting better, but she's got a long way to learn what it takes to lead people" Rhenora agreed, accepting the warm brew that was offered. It soothed her body as his words soothed her soul. "I don't want to interfere in her watch"

He took a sip as well, noting his little caged animal was finally starting to relax. "It's not her watch yet. Especially if you decide otherwise. If I recall the orders, she is supposed to be learning from you and your example. I say, hold fast to your ideals and make Baldric earn that seat she covets so badly." He winked at Rhen the devious grin still plain on his face. "As for you, relax, sip the tea, and enjoy the ride."

"Your mischievous streak never ceases to amaze me" she chuckled, finally seeing the levity in the situation. "She's going to earn it that's for sure. This crew won't tolerate anyone who doesn't actually see them for who they are." She mused a little more on that thought and all the people she called her extended family aboard the Sunfire. "I mean could you see Jenna respecting anyone who wasn't 100% committed to the crew?"

He half snorted his tea causing him to cough and shake his head at the same time. Once he recovered he commented, "No, absolutely not. Though I admit that was the old Jenna. This new Jenna may have been tempered a bit in the last few years. That said, she is not the only one. The crew follows those they respect, right now that's you. I mean, do you think Dean would fight for someone who would sacrifice him to save her own skin? Loyal to a fault that one is."

"You're not wrong there" she chuckled again, the tension from before now almost completely diffused, replaced by their easy and comfortable banter. She smelt the coffee again, savouring its rich aroma.

The quiet and pleasant moment was interrupted by the arrival of space whales, and Rhenora clung on as the ship bucked and weaved under the expert guidance of Jenna Ramthorne. It took everything within the Bajoran's power not to rush to the bridge and take charge of the situation. She hadn't been called, she wasn't required. It was a feeling she would struggle to get used to over the next few weeks and months. As she ship quietened once more she looked at Remal "See, I can let them handle it" it was more for her own benefit than his though.

"Cautious optimism, I like it." Through the tucks and rolls he had managed to hold onto his drink which he now leaned forward and sat upon the table. "Now, Momma Liger, how about a nice foot and ankle massage to take your mind off... everything else." He reached out, offering his large hands for her to rest her feet into.

"Now that is something I can never say no to" She relaxed against the back of the couch and offered an aching foot. "I'm so grateful to have you, to have all of this" her words drifted off as her gaze clouded a little, lost somewhere in the far reaches of her own mind. For now, they would celebrate each new day as it came.

Remal relished his power to tame the beast within. All she needed was a bit of drink, and a sounding board. The foot rub was icing on the submission cake. As he gently rubbed her swollen ankles, he turned and peered out the portals into the strange region of space beyond and wondered to himself. Were they beyond the reach or influence of their Prophets? If they stayed here, in this moment, this region of space, were they still beholden to the visions the Celestial Temple Aliens had set in motion?

Only time could deliver the answers.



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