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Flowers n grass

Posted on Wed Jan 31st, 2024 @ 9:14am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Remal Kajun

Mission: The Beginning of the End
Location: Bajor

"We've kept the number of workers to a minimum, with a constant rotation in order to make our coming and goings more legitimate." The soldier for the Way reported to Brin who just listened and took in the ground he was standing on.

He had arrived in the small town under the cover of darkness and made his way up the winding path to the cabin, arriving just as dawn broke over the water. His partner Faro was making plans of her own which enticed him to prod her mind ever so much.

He spotted her across the open grass area, beyond the flowers they had once burnt. Waving off the reporting party, he walked over to where she was working, her back to him. He cleared his throat, "How goes the planning and hard work?"

Keeping her words low so only he could here them. She motioned around the simply but expansive gardens. "We will have to be inventive, but there are multiple locations we can plant explosive, small weapons cache's and other useful items." She paused before raising her voice for the benefit of anyone attempting to listen in "This garden bed will be blooming again by winters solstice, I understand this particular strain of flower loves the cold temperatures and the light of the moon."

"Ah, yes, a favorite of our loving Cabin guests. One supposes they love and care for their surroundings as one does their offspring. Noble but ultimately energy wasted on things that can't give back." Brin seethed. "Have we accounted for all of the potential landing zones up and down the path? We want to control who comes and goes between now and the event."

Faro looked at him with a withering glare. "I have secured ALL contracts for this building for the next 3 months. Inside and out. It cost us all the funds we have but will be worth it." Her gaze softened a bit. "I'm sorry, that was a bit harsh. There is so much to do"

"I understand. Remember to breath and delegate. You are not charged with doing everything yourself, you're aware, correct?" He looked out towards the beach and beyond at the waves. "The location really is quite peaceful and I know I place the weight of the strategic planning upon your shoulders, but know I would not give you anything I did not think you could handle."

"I can handle it, this is our last chance and we will fight till our last breath. We may not have the advantage of numbers, but our preparation will work in our favour. The Wraith will be the true rulers of Bajor" Faro followed his gaze out towards the distance.

There was silence for a moment where they just stared off into the distance, beyond the shoreline, deep in thought. Then Brin looked at Faro, "You know if you ever desire to talk, I'm here for you right? We've both been under a tremendous amount of pressure lately to make this plan work. And I can often have a singular focus." He admonished. "But you should know I am nothing without you, right?"

Faro looked back at her partner in all things. "We are a team, and we will make this effort worthy of song and prayer." Her eyes softened a little "thank you, for always being there. There is much to do. People to have in place for when the Ma and Fa return, in place long enough that the townsfolk ask no questions. We must make haste"

"Of song and prayer." He returned the sentiment. "Remind your team to make no preemptive strikes so as not to blow our cover. Just received word the Sunfire will be heading back this way soon enough and I would hate to spoil our surprise early."

"Of course, we have little time if the ship is on it's way back already. The Ma and Fa will either return for a short while then embark on another space journey for the required period, or they will settle here until the time of the Solstice. I will ensure everyone is on pointe and that our cover is maintained" She replied as their people undertook the menial tasks of gardening, cleaning and property maintenance. Soon those menial tasks would pay off in the form of intel, hidden explosives, and other methods of swaying the battle in their favour.

He pulled a shovel up and rested his chin on it as though he were surveying the battlefield and his plans coming to fruition. "Relax," he said after a minute of silence. "We have time on our side. What we've seen will come to pass, no planning or errors will change that." He then lifted the shovel and dug in next to her. "Just keep being you." He added, providing that little boost of confidence to her frayed nerves.

"That is all I can do" she replied with a smile and resumed the task of tending the garden. They had already planted surveillance devices deep within the garden beds and around the house, imperceptible to most scanners. The time for glory was very here.



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