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S'thenosis Unfurled

Posted on Wed Oct 25th, 2023 @ 12:14am by Commodore S'thenosis Gorgox

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: USS Sunfire
Timeline: End of Mission

The mighty USS Sunfire exited from warp, now safely deposited back in Federation space. Not that it mattered to one particular occupant who was strangely oblivious to the events of the Kunar incident and subsequent rescue of the Sunfire’s missing crew members.

S’thenosis unfurled from her curled-up position upon her platform bed some lower deckers had come to label as her nest. Oh yes, she was aware, and yet she allowed them their moments of youthful laughter at her expense. When she desired sleep, her mini-hibernations, often three to four days long, satisfied her body's need for rest.

After stretching to her full height, she stood and began stretching each limb of its kinks. It seemed the older she became, the more she required a good stretch to release the constrictions within. Having a tough outer skin consisting of hundreds of small soft tissue scales meant massaging each limb in order to work the nerve clusters beneath. This process took time.

An hour later, she emerged from her sonic shower and began dressing. For the day, she chose a full-length gown, low cut on top, with purple accents and a fade to crimson as the dress progressed in length. She applied her Federation Issue comm-badge to her upper left lapel and set to work on her headpiece and hair.

Today, she opted for the cage which wrapped her extended cranium and held the bulk of her hair in an upright position. The remainder of which she braided and allowed to droop down onto her left shoulder. Without the cage, her braided hair would reach her waist. As a Veelus Draconian, cutting one's hair was more than frowned upon.

Once done she closed her current reading material, The Tome of the Avicii Syndicate where she had reached Article 394 Subsection XI Paragraph C. And thus far she had found over one hundred and fifteen errors, loopholes and contradictions she would have to craft a message about once finished.

She took a seat at her workstation to catch up on three days worth of messages only to discover a Priority One message from Starfleet Command had arrived within the last few hours. She pressed the button and read the message, her face showing little emotion until she reached the end. To which, she nodded in approval of the situation update, stood, and exited her private quarters.

Minutes later she arrived via turbolift onto the bridge and was greeted with a respectful ‘Commodore on the bridge’. Her stride down the slight ramp slope was more of a glide as it never appeared her legs were actually moving.

Standing in direct line of sight to Acting Captain Dean House, her hands tightly furled together, one on top of the other, she addressed him, “Captain. I bear news from Command. It would seem negotiations have paid dividends. The Cardassian Union has disavowed any knowledge of a rogue group who may be targeting Captain Kaylen, Commander Savar, and Counselor Vali.”

She paused briefly, cocked her head slightly, “Command has authorized us to rendezvous at the edge of Cardassian Space with utmost urgency if you please. They have assured us we will have diplomatic immunity for the remainder of our journey from any Cardassian retribution. Once shakedown operations have commenced, of course.” She received a blank stare and silence throughout the bridge.

“You should be enthralled at this opportunity to return your dear Captain to her station.” Taking the silence as a sign of shock from the news and not ‘uh too late’ she turned and left the bridge, her job done.


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