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The Search - Pt 2

Posted on Fri Mar 24th, 2023 @ 11:42am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: USS Botany Bay

The USS Botany Bay warped to the nearby system allocated for their search pattern, the Captain having a hunch they were going to find something there.

"Helm, slow to 1/2 impulse and begin the standard search pattern" She instructed Ensign Syrik before turning her attention to Ensign Drako.

"Ops - scan for any Federation signatures or other non-indigenous transmissions. According to the records there shouldn't be any advanced life in this system at all"

"Captain, I'm detecting a faint signal from one of the planets." Came the reply from the rear of the bridge.

A few moments later the Botany Bay had adjusted her course in order to better understand the signal being received. As they neared one of the planets in the Goldilocks region of the system, the faint signal turned into something so much more.

"I'm picking up a Federation distress beacon from the third planet" ops confirmed excitedly.

"Adjust course to enter orbit of that planet. Let's bring them home, or at least hope, or help." The Captain shrugged as the third planet neared. It looks like they were about to solve this mystery.


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