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Hunting - The takedown

Posted on Sun Mar 5th, 2023 @ 3:09am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Near the Camp

Five phaser beams lanced out from the small ground high on the outcropping on the Captain's order, hitting the last 5 animals and dropping them to the ground with a bellow of pain and surprise followed by the loud thud of a carcass hitting the dirt. A few moments later more weapons fire was heard as the team alongside the camp deflected the stampeding herd around the campsite.

As the dust settles the Captain dared to breathe, surveying the camp and her team, trying to identify damage to both person and property. Far in the distance the wild yahoo of Patin could be heard over the thundering hooves. The crisis had been averted and now the camp would have ample fresh protein, most likely containing natural antibodies against all the nasties this place had thrown at them so far. Gerty could be seen jogging into camp, exhausted but alive however Dean and Red were nowhere to be seen.



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