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Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 8:00am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Starfleet Command
Timeline: Current

Lieutenant Commander Collette frowned as he looked at the latest subspace communication from Cardassia. The ridiculous excuse for a trail that was supposedly going to incarcerate Commander Savar of the USS Sunfire and take the rest of the Command team down as well was due to begin that morning. The problem was, the Sunfire hadn't shown. Their log showed them due to arrive yesterday, and while Collette knew that ships got delayed all the time, the fact they hadn't sent word by the time the trial was due to start was a cause for concern.

He read the communique again, rubbing the line of spots that ran down his temples as he considered his next course of action. The Cardassians were claiming that Savar's 'no show' was a clear indication of guilt and were ready to end the trail on that note and demand the Vulcan and the Sunfire command team be handed over for whatever punishment they had dreamt up. Given the Cardassians were still rebuilding after the war and were relying heavily on Federation aid, he surmised the death penalty was probably off the cards. That didn't mean their liking of torture or slave labour wouldn't get a look in though. He forwarded the communique on to the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps and requested their best negotiator make quick work of the Subspace communication system.

A few deft manipulations of his desk console had him hooked into Starfleet's long range sensor system. He plugged in the Sunfire's ID code and the Akira class ship should have lit up like a Christmas tree on his panel - if it was in Federation space. He extended the range of the scan, frowning at the results. No christmas tree. Which could mean several things - either the Sunfire was damaged and her transponder was offline, she was drifting without emergency power, or she wasn't in space anymore.

"Collette to Admiral Gru" The trill opened a channel to his superior and braced himself for the bad mood that his boss always seemed to be in.

The face of the Admiral replaced the search query that had been on his screen, and the older man seemed as displeased as always. He didn't even bother with a greeting, just waited to get whatever crisis was going to become his problem.

"Sir, The Sunfire failed to arrive at Cardassia and I can't locate their transponder in Federation space, nor can I locate them on long range scans." Collette braced himself for whatever would happen next.

"Humph, send the data to Captain Morselles of the Botany Bay and keep me advised" The screen winked out.

Breathing a sigh of relief Collette ran a few more scans, collated the information and sent it off to the Botany Bay. Hopefully they could work out what had happened to the Sunfire.


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