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Exit Strategy - Final

Posted on Sun Jan 1st, 2023 @ 11:28am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Caves

It was another hour before they found a booted foot, two more before they uncovered the torso attached to it. Still wedged underneath the chin and jaw of the creature it made progress slow.

By now the majority of the 200 who were trapped in the caves we're nearing the camp and hopefully some equipment would make its way back, perhaps with some extra bods, depending on how badly banged up the camp was. The needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the one, even this one.

"Hold up, let me scan" Hiff announced as they uncovered the Captain's lower body, her upper body still buried under the creature's head. They were contemplating their next move in the process and didn't want to cause any further harm.

"No spinal injuries, moderate concussion, she's just wedged in there" the crewman confirmed as they paused to regroup. They had no water, no medical supplies and were running low on energy.

"Do we use the phasers to cut the head off the creature" Gonzales offered, checking the charge on their only weapon.

"Or do we find something to wedge it up with?" Someone else offered.

"Or do we just pull?" Hiff shrugged. "Can't hurt to try, we can't hurt her any further" she sat back on her haunches and tried to get a better look. "Chuck me the light will you?"

Catching the weapon and the light attached to it Hiff moved as close as she could, shining the light in between the rocks to make a better assessment.

The final solution involved a combination of all three, some shovels, phasers and a medkit that arrived from the camp.

Another two hours later and they were all back at camp, hungry, tired but with a distinct feeling of accomplishment. They had freed their crew and their captain, and now they could rest.


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