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Just a moment

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 7:53am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Planet of the Dinosaurs
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Just before Reunion.

The away team left the bridge to reconvene in the shuttle bay and hopefully find the crew somewhere safe to stay, or in the worst case, several places. It wouldn't be easy to find somewhere for 700 odd crew to live for anywhere up to a few weeks. The hubbub on the bridge quietened down a little, the events of the last few hours catching up with people now the initial shock and response had passed. Reports were still coming in from all over the ship, although she hadn't heard anything from Engineering and thus had sent a specialist team down to ascertain the situation. She had a bad feeling that was where the worst of the damage was, and thus the worst of the casualties.

The cargo bays had been converted into medical bays, and the supplies that weren't damaged had already been catalogued. They had some long life food in the form of rations, some tents, some shelters, weapons and tricorders, but the rest was destroyed. They needed a cave network, fresh water, a local food supply and protection from the nasties this planet housed.

The scans they had on this planet were rudimentary at best, an the ships sensors were completely destroyed leaving them almost flying blind as to which way to look. Several of the shuttles were still operational which was a blessing, using their sensors would shave hours of a traditional recon mission.

In the relative quiet her thoughts turned to Remal and the fact she hadn't heard from him yet. Sickbay had sent through reports but they were all about the numbers, no names involved and those that had been killed were yet to be identified. Her gut churned in concern and in guilt.

"Crewman's Hewlett and Packard, could you come here a moment please?" She called to two young crewmen who had only come on board in the last month. As far as recruits went they were fluro green and waterfall worthy behind the ears, although they seemed to be coping with the current situation.

The young ones approached, wondering why they had been singled out for the Captain's attention.

" Uhhh.. yes Ma'am.. ah Captain Ma'am Sir" Packard stammered whilst turning an embarrassing shade of beetroot.

" Help me up, my legs are busted" Rhenora said simply, hating the need to ask for assistance but needing to a) find Remal and b) get some treatment for her legs.

" Ahh Yes Ma'am Sir Captain" Hewlett fumbled and stepped forward awkwardly, reaching under her armpits and helping her stand whilst still supporting her weight.

"Captain will do fine...please, help me to sickbay, Ensign Apple,
you have what's left of the bridge" It was her turn to blush with the guilt of needing help an the awkwardness these two newbies obviously felt having to be so close to her. "I don't bite you know" There was an embarrassed chuckle which was enough to break the tension and slowly the trio began their slow walk to sickbay.


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