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Talking about Things To Come

Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2022 @ 11:05am by Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: *CD*
Location: Savar and Aurora's quarters.
Timeline: Prior to the briefing

Savar had arrived at his and Aurora's quarters first. He changed into his robes and went into the study to meditate. Word had come down the Cardassians wanted to put him on trial for killing Gul Macet. This was something he needed to talk about with Aurora and the possibility that he could be found guilty if the case did go to trial.

Aurora arrived home not long afterwards, she had sensed that there was something Savar needed to talk about when they’d spoken earlier. The feeling in the pit of her stomach wasn’t a nice one, she just hoped it wasn’t bad news.

Savar heard Aurora enter their quarters and he got up to meet her. "Aurora, my wife. Apologies, dinner is not yet ready as I was meditating."

Aurora smiled. “Savar, you don’t need to apologise! I don’t expect you to have food ready every time I walk in the door.” She leant in for a kiss giving him a hug as well.

"You are kind to say so Aurora. Though I feel I let you down." Savar countered. "You do so much as it is already."

“That’s because I like to” Aurora smiled before giving Savar a concerned look. “Is there something wrong? Something”

Savar took her hands and led her to the couch, where they sat down. "You are correct in your statement of something feeling off Aurora. We have been ordered to Cardassia. The Cardassians wish to have a trial in my killing of Macet along with the captain's role in it." Savar stated calmly.

Aurora nodded. “I had a feeling this would happen eventually, I guess my nightmare just caught up!” She paused for a moment. “I can’t lose you Imzadi not now, not ever! We need you!!”

Savar reached a hand out and tenderly caressed Aurora's cheek. "I need you Aurora. I am incomplete without you. However with you by my side, we can and will get through this."

Aurora looked into Savar’s eyes as she spoke. “I swear to you that I will always be at your side Imzadi. I won’t let them tear us apart.”

Savar nodded at the passion in Aurora's voice. "I believe you Aurora. In addition, I am sure the Cardassians would believe you as well if they could hear you right now."

“Heaven help them!” Aurora smiled the biggest smile yet. “I’m a mother too, our children are not going to grow up without their father!”

Savar felt his heart swell with pride and love at Aurora's strong sentiment. He took her hands in his. "I am glad you are here with me Aurora. This may be a most difficult time."

“I will stand by you, no matter what we face.” She paused. “If...the worst should happen, I promise you I will raise our children, and protect them with my life until you return to us.”

Savar leaned his head forward so it touched Aurora's "I know you will Aurora. It just may be a very long time knowing the length of Cardassian prison sentences."

Aurora nodded as tears dripped from her cheeks. “I don’t care! I’ll be matter how long it takes!”

"Aurora, please do not cry. I did not mean to upset you. Only to prepare you for what is more than likely coming." Savar answered as he raised a hand to wipe her tears.

Aurora wiped away her tears, looking up at Savar. “I’m afraid Savar, afraid of what might happen.”

"Do not be afraid Aurora. To be concerned is right and justified, to be afraid is not. Do not let the Cardassians hold sway over you."

Aurora nodded. “I won’t Imzadi, we’re in the right and they’re in the wrong. One way or another we will prevail.”

"Indeed Aurora. Right always prevails though sometimes the struggle and journey are arduous. But we will prevail." Savar assured her.

Nodding Aurora could only hope Savar was right.



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