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The power of friendship pt 1

Posted on Sat Aug 27th, 2022 @ 11:16pm by Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: New Harrington
Location: Holodeck


Now she was back onboard Aurora had made a point of inviting Rhenora to the holodeck for a relaxing get together. She figured they both needed it.

Rhenora jogged along the corridor, running late as always and exhausted from their last mission. The emotional toll of nearly losing her husband still weighed heavily on her, promptly shoved back into the dark recesses of her mind whenever it raised it's ugly head.

"Sorry I'm late" she apologised as she entered the holodeck.

Aurora offered a smile, while she was waiting she’d called up a Tahiti beach scene and was relaxing under an umbrella on the beach. “No problem Rhenora.” She offered a concerned look. “What’s wrong? You’re wound tighter than a coiled snake. Come sit down and tell me.”

With an exhausted sigh Rhenora flopped onto the sand, ignoring the tiny grains that tried to seep into the crevices of her uniform. Her boots were instantly half full of it so she unzipped them and levered them off her feet.
"It's been a rough few weeks" she admitted as she took in the tranquil scene.

Aurora nodded. “I can imagine, I know how I’d have felt if I was aboard ship when communications was lost with the away teams. I’d have been panicking over whether I’d lost Savar! I’ve no doubt you thought you’d lost Remal?”

"I was convinced of it, and the rest of the away teams as well. It was a tough few hours where we couldn't contact anyone" Rhenora admitted, her voice shaking a little at the memory of it. "I though we'd come to help these people and ended up killing not only them but ourselves."

“I’m sorry you went through that. To be honest I found myself wishing I’d stayed aboard ship! All I could think to start with was that I’d doomed our baby to die with us.” She sighed. “It’s strange how pregnancy can make you think differently about things.”

"It certainly puts a different spin on things" Rhenora admitted as she let the warmth of the sand soak through bones, added by the radiance of the sun. It was a dry hear, accompanied by a gentle breeze and was most comfortable indeed.

Aurora nodded. “For reference that doesn’t mean I’m volunteering to be forever stuck onboard ship either.” She grinned. “I think I’m turning into a worry wart now!”

"I believe the human phrase for that is "it's perfectly normal" the Bajoran replied with a soft smile. She too had felt the initial pangs of protection for their growing family. "The hard part is. Not letting it overly interfere with duty, despite the raging hormones"

Aurora smiled and nodded. “Very true! I guess you know that as well as I do. Are you looking forward to being a mother? Do you know what you’re having?”

"Not sure yet, I haven't asked the medical team and the Prophets weren't clear in their visions. All I know is that our child had one heck of a reputation to live up to. I'm not even sure how to protect them from it, or if it is even possible" Rhenora admitted sagely, taking comfort from the warm sand beneath her and the companionship of her friend.

“That’s the problem with god like deities, they don’t give you straight answers!” Aurora grinned. “I’m sure with parents like you, and Remal your child will grow up to be very special indeed.”

"Ain't that the truth" Rhenora laughed as the sun continued to warm her "it's been everything from death and despair to hope and happiness, and everything in between of course. The worst part is we have no control of it, I feel like a pawn in a chess game" it was rare she admitted these feelings of mistrust and manipulation.

“I’d feel the same if I was in your shoes!” Aurora offered a friendly smile enjoying the warmth of the sand between her toes. “Have you told Remal how you feel?”

"Not entirely, he knows that I'm not a fan of being the puppet, but I haven't told him how deeply that discord actually runs. I should do that I guess" Rhenora admitted as a cloud drifted in front of the sun and robbed them of their glorious sunshine. "clouds?" She asked.

Aurora gave Rhenora a curious look. “Does the holodeck simulate true weather patterns now? I haven’t programmed in any changes.”

"You're guess is as good as mine" Rhenora shrugged as the clouds began to darken and a sinister rumble growled ominously in the distance.

“A thunderstorm?” Callie looked at Rhenora uneasily. “Computer end simulation.” She waited but nothing happened. “Computer! Arch!” Again nothing happened.

"The one time I try to relax" Rhenora flopped back against the sand, cranky that their downtime was now very much uptime.

"Kaylen to bridge.....respond...."

Aurora looked at Rhenora as there was no response. “I think we’d better move, being at the water’s edge with a storm incoming is never a good idea.”

Rhenora nodded, heading up towards what appeared to be a modest resort. She knew there would be a holographic control panel somewhere in there that she should be use to gain control of the holodeck systems.

“I really hope we can gain control, I don’t like the look of that storm” Callie motioned to lightning in the distance that was practically non stop. “Did I ever tell you I’m afraid of thunderstorms?”

"Let's hope I can shut this off before it gets to us, at the very least the resort looks robust enough to endure a tropical storm." Rhenora reassured as they made their way under cover just before the first drops of rain began to descend. The urge to rock up to the bar and grab a drink and make the most of their time warred with the knowledge that the holodeck wasn't functioning properly. "There should be an access panel over there" she pointed to what appeared to be a storage cupboard.

Aurora nodded and headed over to the cupboard. There was indeed an access panel, but the moment she touched it sparks flew. “Ouch!” She shook her finger before sucking on it. “Great! Looks like we’ve got a short in the system! It’s wreaking havoc with the programming.”

"Damn" Rhenora swore as she took a look for herself. There was some kind of electrical current running through the panel, effectively protecting it from being opened. She had an idea though, if she could find something with an insulated handle, perhaps she could jimmy it open and end the program.

" Aurora, see if you can find me something with an insulated handle.. like a old fashioned screwdriver with a rubber grip, or a laser scalpel or something" Rhenora offered as she continued to examine the sealed panel.

“I can try” Aurora cringed at a bright flash of lightning, and the sound of crackling heavy thunder getting closer to them. “I found one!” She returned with a small insulated screwdriver she’d found in a drawer.

" Great, toss it here" Rhenora smiled as she caught the screwdriver. It was slightly smaller than optimal but it would do for a pinch. Carefully she wrapped the fabric of her towel around the already insulated handle, the tried to prize the cover off the access panel. The electrical discharge snapped, strong enough to rattle her teeth and sit her back on her haunches. It wasn't life threatening but it wasn't pleasant either. She did however manage to get the cover half off with her first attempt.

" This is gonna suck" She grumbled as she readied herself to finish the job.

“Rhenora... don’t!” Aurora placed her hand on the screwdriver. “Chances are you’ll electrocute yourself, and right now I can’t get any help here if it’s needed! I’m not going to let you, and your baby die! We’ll just have to find another way.”

The Captain paused, the screwdriver wavering in her hand as they considered the options. If they didn't get the hatch open, they would have no access to the holodeck controls, even as it was they had no communications with anywhere outside the holodeck. The options were limited, but perhaps they could locate another access panel that was less protected. A large burley Nausican approached them 'Security' written on his uniform.

"May I ask what you two think you're doing?" He asked, his tone demanding answers.

“Oh...we were just trying to fix this electrical short” Aurora motioned to the panel. “There wasn’t a repair man available so we decided to do it ourselves.”

" Oh really now? No repair tech...and you're trying to jimmy a hatch with a screwdriver? Why is it I'm having trouble believing you. Move away from the console ladies" The tone was deep and dangerous, causing Rhenora to rise from the crouch and stand at her full albeit short high, Aurora behind her.

“We weren’t trying to harm anyone, or anything do we seriously look like we’re going to cause trouble?” Aurora stood in her swim wear wishing she had some other clothes. “Speaking of which, do you have any spare clothing around here? We can’t go back out in that..” She motioned to the worsening weather outside.

"I think you both should follow me" the bouncer snarled as he waited for them both to follow him. He grabbed two towels from a nearby pile and tossed them towards them. "No clothes, hacking into access panels... something tells me you're up to no good you two..."



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