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Posted on Sat Jan 22nd, 2022 @ 9:14pm by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Lieutenant Niali Korial MD

Mission: Paranoia Nebula
Location: Sickbay


With Savar awake Aurora was feeling the strain of how deep and prolonged their connection had been. Getting up she headed towards the replicator to get a glass of water, massaging her temples as she went. She reached the replicator and managed a drink before collapsing just short of Savar’s biobed.

Savar was out of bed in an instant, He picked Aurora up and placed her in the biobed he had just been in. "Aurora my love. are you alright? Please speak to me."

Aurora opened her eyes offering a tired smile. “’re supposed to be in this bed...not me. I’m okay, I’m just tired that’s all.”

"Are you sure Aurora? I do not wish for you to be taken ill." Savar told his wife.

“I think the doctor would say that this is my own fault.” Aurora massaged her temples. “I should have had medical personnel here monitoring my meld.”

"As the humans would say screw it. You did what had to be done and I thank you for it. It is time for me to again be Captain of the Sunfire."

Niali was pissed, she had walked into sickbay prepared for a meeting with Aurora regarding the possibility of sound being the reason for Commander Savar’s unconscious state. Standing there in front of her had been Savar carrying his wife onto a biobed For a moment she was shocked then incandescent rage took over, a part of her last host which she tried to temper and bury. But this!

She was silent as she ran her sensors over Aurora and then Savar. “Why did you not wait for me Lieutenant? No wait you obviously have no respect for me or my medical knowledge.” She snapped her bio sensor shut. “You are fine, you just need rest. “

She turned to Savar “Commander I am the new CMO of this ship and it is my duty to see to the well-being of this crew. My name is Niali Korial and I am pleased to meet you. You seem to be medically fine of which I am glad. It is your wife I am disappointed in.”

She turned to the Lieutenant. “I thought we had a fledgling friendship, or at least an understanding here but obviously not. I will have to put all this in my report.” She began to soften her tone “would you like a hypo for your headache?”

Aurora nodded. “Yes please Doctor” She looked at Savar. “The Doctor is right, I should have waited for medical backup, I just...didn’t want to wait, in case it was too late to save you!” She looked towards Niali. “Forgive me Doctor, I’m not usually so...careless. I will accept whatever punishment is seen fit.”

Niali’s anger was already leaving her as she depressed they hypo containing an analgesic into Aurora’s carotid artery. “I am not here to punish you Aurora I am just disappointed. Now I would suggest the both of you take some rest in your quarters but I am sure you will not take my advice. What will you do now?”

"We will retire to our quarters if you contact Commander Baldric and inform her I am once again in command of the Sunfire." Savar stated firmly.

Aurora looked between Savar and Niali. “Actually I will return to our quarters, I need some rest before our son needs collecting from nursery.”

“I will speak to the Commander with a recommendation that you can return to duty with the proviso that you come for another physical before you sleep this evening?”

"Doctor, not a return to duty a return to command . Do you understand. It is where I was before my episode and yes, I will see you later this evening." Savar replied.

Niali nodded and tapped her communicator =/\= Dr Korial to Commander Baldric =/\=

Jennifer was on the bridge analysing some of the data that the Ferengi distress call had contained. " Go ahead Doctor"

“Commander, Commander Savar is awake, I am not sure how but Callie was supposed to wait for me. However she did not and somehow melded with him. Whatever she did he is awake. I ran a full physical on him and he has no residual problems and is classed as fit. He tells me he was in command of the Sunfire therefore I am returning him to his Command. I have asked him to return this evening for a follow up physical.

Savar listened impassively as the CMP spoke to Baldric. When she had finished he addressed her. "Thank you doctor. Your statement is greatly appreciated."

" That is most encouraging news, please have him report to the bridge and I'll give him a rundown of our current situation" Baldric advised, and made a mental note to call Command again and update them.

“Commander Savar please report to the Bridge to update the Commander and to recommence your Command.”

"Thank you Doctor, I shall and I will see you for my follow up physical." Savar replied as he exited Sickbay. Moments later he was on the bridge and heading towards the center seat currently occupied by Commander Baldric.


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