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Somethings Not Right

Posted on Wed Nov 3rd, 2021 @ 5:33am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Captain's Quarters

Something didn’t add up, something didn’t seem right. Over the past few years the number of survivors from her resistance cell in the occupation were dwindling. A certain level of natural attrition was to be expected after such a hardship earlier in life, but to Rhenora things seemed just a little too…rapid.

She mulled over the situation over dinner with Remal, discussing those they had lost and the circumstances around it. The latest service was to be held tomorrow, fitting that the Sunfire was docked and undergoing repairs in order to allow Rhenora time to attend. The deaths always seemed to occur when she was within range of Bajor and able to attend, again something that didn’t seem quite right.

“ Captain to Savar, could you please drop by my quarters when you have a moment?” She paged her XO, knowing he would undoubtedly be working even though the majority of the ship’s crew had some R & R time.

Savar was indeed in his office going over repair and maintenance requests when the Captain's call came through requesting his presence in her quarters. He arched an unseen eyebrow at the request so his voice was perfectly neutral. "Certainly Captain. I am on my way and shall be there momentarily." he answered even as he rose from his chair.

Moments later, he was standing outside the quarters the Captain shared with her husband Remal. He looked himself over and was satisfied with his appearance, and only then did he press the door chime.

"Come in" The Captain called, looking up from her own series of padds laying neatly on the desk before her. She had pulled up the files on the 5 friends who had passed recently and was currently reviewing the cause of death, delving into the Bajoran Central Archives to get the information she needed. It was tedious and time consuming work but she felt it was definitely needed. If someone was picking off her friends, she would be the first to do something about it. "Thank you for coming Commander, please take a seat"

"Of course Captain. You are my commanding officer as well as my friend. It is not only my duty but also my obligation as your friend to answer your call and assist you any way I can." Savar replied as he took a seat across from her. "So, how may I assist you?"

" You aren't supposed to be working, you're supposed to be recreating with your wife" Rhenora gave him a mock glare followed by a knowing smile. " But I appreciate all that you do" She paused to raise the mug to her lips, inhaling the bitter aroma before taking a sip. " But the reason I called you here was to advise that I'm taking a few days on Bajor. I have a memorial service to attend tomorrow and I want to investigate the deaths of a few close friends. Something isn't quite making sense about it all" She continued, regarding her XO with a critical eye to gauge his reaction.

"I am working so I may spend time with Aurora." Savar countered. "You concern over Aurora and mine recreational time is extraordinary and duly noted." He replied with Vulcan calm. "I appreciate you informing me of your travel and recreational plans." He cocked an eyebrow at her, "When you say not quite right, I take it you suspect the deaths of your friends was peculiar?"

" It was enough to raise the eyebrows of the authorities, but they're stretched resources wise so I'm assuming a lot get missed, but too many people have died, specifically too many people I use to fight with. I fear someone's picking off members of my resistance cell, Remal made the same comment during dinner that only a few of his friends remained alive. At first I thought it was just a shortened lifespan from the hardship of those years but now I'm not so sure" She explained, turning the pad over to her XO.

Savar listened as Rhenora explained what was bothering her concerning the death's of members of her resistance cell. "So it is your contention that the deaths of your friends is instead murder and not of either accident or natural causes." He finished as he took the offered PaDD and and read over it. After a few seconds he looked to Rhenora and spoke. Most unusual both in the number and the frequency of the deaths of your friends. It also seems to be that a death coincides with our being docked here at Deep Space Nine."

"It's too co-incidental, and something easily missed unless you were looking for it." Rhenora sighed, leaning back in her chair and stretching her arms overhead to release the tension in her shoulders " Something just doesn't feel right. There's not many left and I feel I need to warn them, protect them, or at the very least find out who is doing and why if such a thing can indeed be done"

"I agree. At least a general warning to them to be aware of your feelings to put them on guard. As to finding the responsible party or parties, how can I be of assistance to you in this regard. I and the ship stand ready to help you." Savar stated firmly.

" This isn't officially Starfleet business, it's a hunch. Our primary mission isn't to be delayed because my gut isn't sitting right" Rhenora said carefully " I can take leave for a few days, a week or two even and then rendezvous with the Sunfire later, I can't order the ships crew to get involved in an internal Bajoran matter though" The Captain chose her words very carefully.

"Captain, I am not suggesting you order the crew or have them get involved in this matter. Instead I am offering myself to assist you in this matter, for if you are correct it does become a Starfleet and Federation matter for a Captain of a starship life may be in danger and that is a fact that cannot nor should not be ignored." Savar replied with candor.

" Let me do some digging first, I need you here to run the ship if something urgent comes through and I'm not contactable. If I find anything, I can send it back for your review and analysis" Rhenora replied, taking another sip of the coffee in front of her.

"As you wish Captain though I am perfectly capable of assisting you in this matter, providing analysis and run the ship. Would you be opposed if I did some as you call it digging of my own? I believe between the two of us we can find a connection." Savar replied sagely.

" I would not be opposed at all, only that Aurora may be if you spend too much time on it. I'll be leaving in the morning, I hope it doesn't take more than a few days to sort out, you'll be in command" The Captain smiled as her XO once again offered assistance in her personal matter - always the support that he was.

Savar nodded, "Aurora will not be opposed as I will tell her it is a matter which involves you. Then she will will be understanding and supportive. I will begin looking into this matter at once Captain. Rest assured I will not let my responsibility to the ship and crew falter. Further if I uncover any information I will contact you directly."

" I appreciate your support Savar, It's a great comfort to know I can leave things in your more than capable hands" The smile was honest and completely genuine.

"To quote a countryman of mine, I have been and shall always be your friend." Savar replied sincerely. "Captain, I cannot stress enough the importance of you being careful as you look into the deaths of your friends. If you are correct and the deaths were actually murder. who is ever behind this could be after you next."

" That is indeed a very real possibility, but I'm banking on the fact that whoever it is will be under the impression we haven't caught on to them yet." Rhenora replied with a wry smile, " I promise I'll be careful"

"A slim avenue to operate on Captain. I would also let Remal know of your suspicions so he is aware of the situation. Do more than promise Captain, see that you are." Savar replied with a hint of emotion as he was concerned for his friend and captain.

"Remal will be accompanying me, I had advised him also of my concerns regarding the possible ambush, he is aware of the risk" Rhenora replied calmly, hoping that the knowledge of not going it alone would appease her XO.

"That is a plus." Savar admitted. "What other security arrangement have you implemented to protect yourselves while at your home?" Savar questioned his CO.

"My wits, and a hand phaser" Rhenora replied, knowing how rudimentary it sounded even to her own ears " But we have the advantage of surprise, and that counts for a lot"

"Captain why you are highly intelligent and an above average shot, you need more than that. Take a pair of the floating sentry bots. They will at least give you warning and time to react if someone is stalking you." Savar replied hoping the captain would at least agree to that. "Or I can send down two security officers in plain clothes to guard you."

"That doesn't bode well for the element of surprise or at least being inconspicuous" The Captain said dubiously.

"Captain please." Savar said refraining from sighing. "Neither the bots or security officers would be in plain sight. As they would be camouflaged to blend in with the surrounding area."

"I'm not comfortable with an escort Savar. Best case scenario this is me reading into things too much and I get to catch up with some old friends. If it goes beyond that I can assure you I will call for backup" The Captain's words were firm, knowing where Savar was coming from. " You are the Captain now, and it is your safety that is paramount"

"Illogical. I am only the acting Captain. To use a human expression, I am only keeping the seat warm until you return. You are the Sunfire's true captain. What if you are unable to call for backup because the situation escalates too rapidly? What then?"

"Then Remal and I will deal with it. I won't be alone at any time while we're on the planet, I will have a sidearm, my communicator, and a tricorder - standard kit for an away mission. We can request assistance from DS9 and the Sunfire if necessary" Rhenora replied, sinking into the chair a little more.

Savar's expression never changed but it was clear he was unhappy with Rhenora's refusal to take added security precautions. "I see." He finally replied after a period of silence. "I shall not continue a discussion on this subject when I know your mind is made up."

" I appreciate that" Rhenora smiled softly at the new Captain, comforted in his support and protection of her. " I need to do this, Remal will be with me, we'll be fine. Your attention needs to be here on the ship. We have three weeks until your trial and there still needs to be an investigation as to why the Cardassians were in the Ion Cloud in the Gamma Quadrant As well as ascertaining the strength of the Dominion post war"

"Captain, I am not unsympathetic, I understand your desire, your need to look into the deaths of your friends and cell mates and get answers. I just question the way you wish to go about it. You may be drawing unneeded attention to your activities and that is not wise or logical." Savar pointed out. "As for my trial, there is not much more that can be done until the trial starts. As for the Cardassians and the Dominion both matters will be investigated and if need be delegated to other starships. What you are doing is far more pressing.''

" This is true" The Captain mused, realising that once again both she and the Sunfire were replaceable in Starfleet's eyes. There was nothing that she could do that another able Captain could not.

" Please though, look after yourself, and Aurora and Sidak" She continued " Hopefully we will be back in a few days"

"I will look out for Aurora and Sidak. They are not the ones I am concerned about. You and a fellow countryman of mine have much in common. You both believe in doing things on your own. I need not remind you that you are not the Lone Ranger." He paused, "Please see me before you disembark the ship." He had an idea for keeping track of Captain Kaylen without her knowing it.

Rhenora gave him a quizzicle look as he spoke, having the distinct feeling that he was up to something and wasn't letting her in on it, which usually meant it concerned herself directly. If the shoe was on the other foot she would probably do the same so she couldn't really blame him.

"Our shuttle leaves tomorrow morning - I'll transfer the command of the ship over to you then and check in before we leave. I'll also let the crew know"

"Very good Captain." Savar replied. "I shall see you in the morning." He looked at her, "Is there anything else we need to discuss or go over?"

" I don't think so, the Sunfire's mission stands, and our orders are to ship out as soon as the repairs are completely, regardless of the fact that I may not be back yet" Rhenora replied.

Savar was silent for a moment . He was uncomfortable going off on a mission without the Sunfire's true Captain. Yet he gave a curt nod of his head and replied "Understood."

" Very well then" She said, noting his discomfort and understanding it completely. It was a big step up to command even on a temporary basis but she was confident he would excel at the role. " I will see you in the morning before we leave. Good night to you Captain"



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