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Return of the Dragon

Posted on Tue Aug 24th, 2021 @ 10:33pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Senior Chief Petty Officer Ronson Mitchell

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Ready Room

Later that afternoon Captain Kaylen Rhenora returned to the Sunfire after a few days on Bajor, feeling refreshed and energised from the short time away from the mantle of command. She strolled just that little bit slower towards the Ready Room, knowing that Ronson would be aware of her return and undoubtedly preparing the usual reports that required authorisation and the coffee that required just as much attention.

She settled into the comfortable chair and began working, interrupted only a moment later by her Yeoman and a steaming cup of coffee. He appeared slightly concerned - not an emotion that Ronson ever displays on his features.

" Ronson... what'd wrong?" She asked, accepting the coffee and encouraging him to share his troubles.

" Umm.... We have a new.. err... arrival Ma'am. Commodore S'Thenosis boarded whilst you were on leave. She is charged with Commander Savar's defence against the Cardassians in a trial." Ronson explained, sinking into the chair opposite. " I know I wasn't here when she was on board last, but I read the reports, I know how she was here to... observe..." He added hurriedly.

Rhenora couldn't keep the shock from her face. S'Thenosis back on board the Sunfire? The two of them had never really seen eye to eye - the 'dragon lady' as the crew referred to her had been sent as an observer due to a number of failed missions and starship losses on Kaylen's watch. The time she had been aboard had been tense and felt relentless. Not something Rhenora was keen on repeating. Still she felt she had best address the situation so that she could give the crew some kind of reassurance as to what was actually going on. Those that were on board at the time would be unsettled by the unexpected re-appearance.

" Computer - location of Commodore S'Thenosis?" Rhenora queried the computer, watching Ronson almost flinch at the name.

" Commodore S'Thenosis is in the conference room" The computer intoned.

" Alright Ronson, I'm assuming you're charged with providing for her needs - let's go see what's going on this time" The Captain rose and took a deep breath - preparing for what was to come.


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