The Taken pt 3
Posted on Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 10:01am by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell
Location: Ramant ship
Returned to their cell with the others Aurora was grateful to have N’vea returned to her, offering her thanks to those who’d looked after her. She was certain that she was now carrying another child that wasn’t her own, she wasn’t sure how their captors expected females to continually breed without detrimental side effects.
Savar sat with Aurora and N'vea and wondered if Sidak would return with the items, he requested for N'vea. He had faith in his son it was the others he had no faith in for they had shown themselves to be cruel people who hid behind a mask of professionalism and called themselves scientists. When in actuality they were cruel and sadistic, treating the captured Sunfire crew like lab animals.
The forcefield door flickered off allowing access for a slightly older Sidak to enter, approaching his adoptive parents he offered food and drink. “Take this, it will give you both strength. I will do what I can to help you.” He gave Aurora a brief smile. “Eat, mother..” he placed her food close to her before turning to leave.
“Sidak..” Aurora offered her son a smile. “Thank you.”
"Indeed, thank you Sidak." Savar said to his son. As he took the food and water then gave over half to Aurora to build her strength back up.
Eating up her food, Aurora glanced around at the others in their cell. It seemed a lot of the women were pregnant, she couldn’t help but wonder if this was her fault, she had shown that humanoids and similar races could be used for breeding purposes.
Sitting nibbling on the food he and Aurora were provided, Savar noticed Aurora seemed preoccupied and he had a good idea what it was. "Aurora my love, you seem.... distracted. I believe I know the reason but before I venture my opinion would you like to talk about your feelings?"
Aurora gave her husband a slight smile, even Counsellors needed to talk from time to time. “What if all of this is my fault? These are Sidak’s people, they knew I successfully gave birth to one of their children, what if they came after the ship because of that?”
Savar placed an arm around Aurora. "Aurora, I believe you are blaming yourself unnecessarily. "Yes, these are Sidak's people and yes they now realize you were able to birth one of their children. However, to blame yourself for something you had no control over and to do what comes naturally and love Sidak as our son is hardly your fault. You should be proud of your actions. I am proud of you. I always am. This is no exception."
Aurora nodded and offered a brief smile. She picked up, and nibbled on more of the food Sidak had left them. She was feeling pretty hungry. “Savar, I think I might be pregnant again.” She gave him a teary eyed look, she was exhausted enough with not long having had N’vea. “How can they expect us to keep on breeding like this?”
Savar accepted what Aurora said stoically. "It is not your fault Aurora; it was forced upon you and the others. Do not despair. I am here for you. As to your question, they cannot expect it, It is unreasonable as well as unrealistic. They have no concept of how difficult and exhausting being pregnant is. I fear they will soon realize that they cannot keep this up."
“I hope so” Aurora sighed as she carried on tucking into her food.
"As do I Aurora, as do I." Savar replied. Silently hoping that their captors realized that their continued callous treatment of their prisoners would not bring the results they hoped for.
Sitting alone together in an observation room, Remal and Rhenora had just been given another series of food packs and what looked like a gel pack with some sort of beverage in it. Remal was hesitant after the red mist to ingest anything the aliens offered into his body. The food packs at least looked like food, for a ration pack. He feared what may happen if they decided to 'test' them again all while keeping a watch on Rhen for signs of being uncomfortable, cold, hurt, or pregnant.
Rhenora ached in ways she hadn't for some time. Remal hadn't been forceful, but in the midst of the red mist there was certainly less gentleness about their lovemaking. Still, at this point they were alive, and more food had arrived so things weren't as bad as they could be. She knew sooner or later the scientists would be back to check on their experiment, and she would know if she was pregnant again. She didn't want to be, they were still grappling with Patina and managing their newfound family life. There was the whole question with the DNA they had injected her with and the rouge protein marker the Prophets had left behind. Somewhere deep inside she knew that little protein in her blood was a gift.
"How long have we been on board do you think?" She asked Remal, hoping he hadn't been sedated like the rest of them had been.
"Not sure. I've not seen a clock and every time they gas us I lose track of how long we are under. If I judge on how hungry I am, I'd say at least eight hours or so." He dared to take a nibble on the protein pack in front of him. "On the bright side, it feels like whatever ship we are on has dropped out of warp. I felt the shift a few minutes ago." He had managed to cover himself with whatever draping he could find, but he was growing impatient with waiting, and desperately hoping they wouldn't have to endure another round with the red mist.
"If we've dropped out of warp they're either at their destination or they're hiding." Rhenora mused as she sat against the wall. "Or perhaps the Sunfire has found them and are negotiating." She was clutching to hope, falling back on the old days where hope was the only thing they had. She wished for a viewport or anything to garner more information. In this new study chamber, there were no forcefield to see through, just solid walls and a door that only opened when food was provided by faceless orderlies.
"Do you think the Sunfire is out there, looking for us? Or is it more likely we will have to free ourselves?" He asked as he watched the door that only opened when the orderlies came in. He had contemplated how easy it might be to assert himself against them considering their size and dexterity. From what he had seen of this species so far, they were weak.
"They'll be looking for us alright. The problem is these guys seem to have the one up on us technology wise. They can cloak both themselves and their ship, who knows what else" The Captain mused aloud. "We could still take them down with guile and subterfuge though. If we could get out of here and to a control panel, we may be able to get a signal through."
"Guile and subterfuge, my favorite spices to any meal." Remal tried to joke despite it coming out wrong. His humor was not at it's finest.
The audio system crackled and then a voice announced, "In a moment we are going to open the door. Please do not attack the orderly. They will provide you with clothing and a way out. I... I would like to apologize for my part and what we've put you through. It was wrong and for the sake of all of us, I am truly sorry." The monitoring tech proclaimed. There was a buzzing noise at the door just before it slid open and an orderly stepped in with two sets of clothes.
Remal was guarded, but reached out and took the offered clothes from the newcomer. He was full of questions but reserved himself knowing the answers would come in time. They always did. Behind the orderly, a fierce looking female in basic intern attire could be seen clutching her lower belly.
Rhenora moved forward, eyes constantly assessing for escape or a point of weakness. These people were unlike the others. "You're helping us? You're not like the others who experimented on us." it was more a statement than a question. She took the offered clothes and used Remal's broad frame to change behind in the absence of any further privacy. "Where are we going?"
The Orderly spoke, unsurely about why they were communicating with the aliens, "We are trying to go somewhere safe. At least until we land." He turned to the Intern, "I didn't know we were going to be saving the aliens too. This is going to get complicated fast."
The Tech then ran up from behind. "After what we witnessed, we owe it to them to save them as well." He briefly touched the Intern on the shoulders. "As soon as you're ready, we should move." He encouraged.
Rhenora hesitated, un-wanting to leave the crew behind in an effort to escape themselves. She stepped out of the chamber and into the hallway. "I trust you to help us" she said sincerely. "And I assume when you say 'safe' that place will provide the opportunity to come back for the rest of my people."
"Errr..." The Orderly was now starting to regret helping the Intern and the Tech. And now Remal's large frame was hovering right next to his much smaller one. "That was not the initial plan. To hide you and your, um, man here we can do. Mounting a recue of your entire crew would require more time and manpower."
In truth, the Children of Ramant was a very small group who had not yet revealed themselves, relying on the shadows to be discreet. "I.. I can maybe get you to a communications terminal, but the moment you use it they will know." He side-eyed Remal out of fear, "Um, will that work?"
Remal grinned, "Works for me. Would be better if we could find Bonnie and get a signal to our ship."
"Assuming we haven't passed the planetary shield yet. Once beyond, all signals are blocked to outsiders." The Tech piped up. He then tapped the Orderly, "Let's go."