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Posted on Sun Dec 22nd, 2024 @ 2:46am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Ramant
Location: Ramant
Timeline: Current

The science team relocated to the only space vessel the planet had capable of completing the vital task. She had done a few deep space assignments previously, and the shielding technology had worked flawlessly both times. They were undetectable to any other space vessels, and their transport technology allowed them to beam in and out unnoticed. Such things were luxuries most of the time but now they would be essential to the survival of the species.

"We are aware of one, that was seeded and bore live offspring. The tracking beacon is still active" The Captain of the rechristened ship 'The Ramant" announced at the final briefing before their hasty departure. The science team nodded and pressed a few buttons, bringing up a blinking icon on the starchart.

"This is where the tracking beacon is, the ship appears to be currently docked at a station near the spatial transport phenomenon." The science leader pointed to the marker indicating DS9. "By the time we get there though they may have moved on, however our tracking beacons are superior and work over vast distances" He explained nervously.

"We will track them, and retrieve the seeded one, plus any others on that vessel that show similar characteristics. Despite the laws that govern ethical treatment of test subjects, if we fail in this endeavour we all die. Such laws are suspended until this crisis is resolved. By order of the Grant Highness herself" The Captain stated clearly.

All the scientists paled at the thought, whilst the military muscle in the room almost smiled. Finally they would have a meaningful role to play.

"We ship out in 1 hour. Prepare your teams. Go." The Captain said finally, rising and leaving the room without saying another word. The wheels were now in motion, and they would not return home without a positive outcome.


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