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Posted on Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 11:08am by Lieutenant Sarah Wilson & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Thriss Kla'ren

Mission: Lost in Space
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Backpost

The security detail and the assimilated Commander Kla'ren materialized in Sickbay and were immediately surrounded by doctors and nurses who placed Kla'ren on a biobed, restrained his arms and legs and place a forcefield around the bed. Savar was the next to enter. He meant his distance that is he made sure he was out of the way of the medical personnel but still able to view what was taking place.

Dr Sarah Wilson emerged from her office as the transport sounded and her blood ran cold at what she saw. One of their crew had been assimilated. She knew the protocol, but it took a moment for her brain to overcome her emotion.

"Neural inhibitor!" She snapped, the device would prevent any connections being made with other Borg.

The medical team worked swiftly to isolate Kla'ren's mind from the hive. Sarah looked at Commander Savar "How long ago did this happen?" She asked, as the Borg had been on board for nearly two hours. Her next moves were time critical.

Saver turned his gaze from the medical team and focused on the face of Dr. Wilson. "I discovered Commander Kla'ren in Jeffries tube 57 and he was assimilated then. That was 87 minutes and 23 seconds ago Doctor.''

" We're cutting it fine" Sarah replied as she injected Thriss with a hypospray. She held up a scanner which displayed where the Borg implants had been placed. There were currently 4 of them but they hadn't fully integrated with the Chief's system yet.

"Commander Kla'ren, if you can hear me we're going to sedate you and remove the Borg implants" She said calmly to her patient, unaware of how much of his identity remained beneath the Borg components.

Thriss could hear the Doctor but he couldn't respond. He wasn't sure if he'd be the same. Surely if he still was aware of what was going on then there was a chance?

Savar took a step closer to the biobed and added his voice to Wilson's. "Commander Kla'ren. I know you can hear me. You are not alone, Dr.Wilson and I are here to assist in your recovery."

Sarah injected the potent sedative and had Klaren moved to the surgical bay.

8 hours later the Sunfire's CMO emerged, exhausted but confident she had been able to remove all traces of Borg technology from the Engineer's body. It would take some time for him to wake up, but when he did she wanted to be there.

Savar waited for her. "What is your prognosis for Commander Kla'ren's recovery Doctor?"

"Physically he will make a full recovery, psychologically though I have no idea how much of his individuality we saved. We won't know till he wakes up' Sarah admitted sagely, doubling checking her scan results.

Savar listened to the gravity of Sarah's words. "I gather you will be able to deduce fairly early once the Commander wakes up along with what treatment he will need ...if any in his recovery." Savar cautiously replied.

"It certainly won't take long to ascertain if there is a Borg imprint left in his kind. I'm certain though because we got him early, that he should retain all of his prior individuality. I think Aurora may be busy after this" Sarah commented, carefully monitoring the Chief. "I can let you know when he wakes up Commander, I'm sure he would appreciate a friendly face'

"Thank you Doctor. I would appreciate being told when Commander Kla'ren regains consciousness. I will also inform Aurora that her skills will most likely be needed. I will move to the waiting room." Savar replied calmly.

Several hours later Commamder Kla'ren awoke and thankfully was more of less back to his old self. Some additional.physical therapy and some counselling lay in his near future but he was no longer Borg.



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