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Informing Rhenora

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2022 @ 4:58am by Captain Rhenora Kaylen & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Mission: *CD*
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Current

After Rhenora had left, Savar worked a little while longer, catching up on reports and crew transfers as well as progress on repairs and maintenance. he stopped and sat back. He needed to inform Rhenora of the actions he took involving Aurora and House,

Tapping his combadge he spoke, "Savar to Kaylen. At your earliest convenience please stop by the captain's ready room."

Rhenora meanwhile was in the shower, still. The warm perfectly temperature water at the perfect velocity was a gift from the Prophets themselves as she washed the sweat and grime from her body. Amenities had been few and far between on their excursion on her homeworld, and the lingering stench spoke volumes.

"Will do" She called over the crescendo of falling water.

"Thank you." Savar replied succinctly knowing that Rhenora would not keep him waiting long and he felt it best that she knew what had happened.

Around an hour later a cleaner and much more pleasantly fragranced Rhenora stood outside the slim doors of her old ready room, knowing Savar would be busy inside keeping the Sunfire ticking over even whilst she was docked at DS9. She pressed the doorchime and waited.

Hearing the chime, Savar stopped his work, knowing it must be Rhenora, he sat a little straighter, tugged on his tunic and brushed invisible dust from it as he called out "Enter!" even as he prepared to tell her about the troubling news involving both Aurora and Commander House.

The former Captain of the Sunfire smiled as she entered, musing how Savar hadn't changed anything in the ready room but instead had left everything exactly as she had left it.
"You wanted to chat?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I do. Please have a seat." Savar replied even as he rose and walked to the replicator to get a cup of coffee for Rhenora and a cup of tea for himself. Returning to her, he handed her the cup before he moved behind the desk and sat down.

"I do not know if Aurora has spoken to you yet on the topic, we are about to discuss but I feel it is my place to tell you. I was forced to discipline both Auora and Commander House following their actions in our latest mission."

" I have read the report briefly but we both know there is always more than is in the official report. I would appreciate your view on the situation and how you handled it" Rhenora nodded in thanks for the coffee and regarded the acting Captain thoughtfully.

Savar nodded and sipped his tea. "You are quite correct Rhenora." Savar replied honestly. "The situation you refer to is quite troubling practicality to me as well as Aurora. Commander House was also none to happy with the decision but accepted it without complaint. I should further add that the Commodore and I discussed what would be appropriate punishment without either Commander House or Aurora facing a trial."

" From what I understand a trial would have merely been a formality and the outcome most likely the same." Rhenora shrugged as she pondered the coffee before her " And not to mention they're a right pain in the ass"

"I am inclined to agree with you." Savar answered, "However that does not alter the fact that Aurora feels she was treated unfairly. Mr. House I believe understands the need for protocol and why it is in place."

" That's a tricky situation to be sure. She did briefly come and speak to me about it. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and accept what gets thrown your way, be it entirely fair and justified, or if it had to serve a different purpose." Rhenora explained carefully, taking another sip from the delicate mug before her. "I'm sure Commodore S'Thenosis had her reasons - and I have never known her to be wrong in the past."

"You speak and judge the problem correction. Our, my concern was to be fair in passing judgment. I did want the crew to feel Aurora was judged differently because of my position. The Commodore's point of view was in line with mine. We wanted to present a united front in discipline. Yet I fear I have jeopardized my marriage in meting out a fair punishment to both Aurora and Mr. House."

Rhenora pondered for a minute." Was it the punishment itself or the person delivering it that is the issue?" She asked honestly.

"That is a question I have asked myself repeatedly." Savar replied with equal honestly. "Aurora says she does not blame me, that I was only doing what I had to do. Based on that, Aurora takes issue with the punishment." He paused and looked into Rhenora's eyes. "I love Aurora totally and completely. I have ever since we met at the Academy and to see her hurt by my decision to be fair and unbiased. Is difficult."

"A difficult situation to be placed in" Rhenora empathised, not really sure what to do about the situation. "I'm not sure I can offer a solution, only a few words of wisdom. Choosing between duty and family is never easy, it never will be and never can be. But there is beauty and danger in the combination of the two."

Savar nodded in understanding. "As always you speak truly and wisely Captain. You are correct, choosing between duty and family is not easy. It is a lesson well learned and I will remember forever. I now, wish to have Aurora and I to be able to put it behind us and move forward."

" It sounds like you have much talking to do, may I suggest a patient ear and a good dose of compassion for whatever injustice she feels she has been dealt" Rhenora smiled warmly as she drained the last remnants of coffee from her mug.

Savar listened as Rhenora gave her opinion. When she had finished, he spoke. "As always, you speak wisely and logically my dear friend. I shall endeavor to be both patient and compassionate when speaking with Aurora."

"That's all you can do, if she speaks, listen, if she does not, then I fear you may have a problem. You will work this out though, I'm sure of it" there was an encouraging smile and flickered briefly.

"As always, your words are wise and logical. I believe Aurora will open up and talk to me. We can turn this into a learning experience for both of us. One that will make our marriage even stronger." Savar spoke with a quiet conviction.

"I hope for nothing left" Rhenora responded as she regarded her friend. How had he fared in command? He had stepped up briefly in the past but not for this long and with this dangerous a mission.

"How are you doing Savar? Honestly? After everything that happened and being the one to handle it all?" She asked quizzically.

Savar didn't answer not immediately after a moment he spoke. "Troubled my friend. I feel I was fair in the punishment of Aurora and Cmdr House. Aurora is more upset over the reduction of her rank than the actual punishment even though I have stressed it is only temporary."

"That I believe is more a reflection on her inner turmoil than on your command decision" Rhenora explained gently. "It's never easy to discipline crew, even harder when it's family but duty must prevail"

"I agree. Duty must prevail though it was not a pleasant experience." Savar answered and then followed with a question of his own. "May I ask you Captain, have you ever been in a similar situation such as this and how did you deal with it?"

"Not where I have had to discipline a spouse, but sadly many friends have crossed before my desk for all the wrong reasons. Most were able to seperate the friendship from the incident. Some were unable to and the friendship was damaged beyond salvage." She admitted sagely, her face colouring a little with the memories and they flittered through her memory.

Savar listened intently as Rhenora talked of her own experiences. "I remember our dealings and the dilemma you were placed in when we had to deal with Captain excuse me now Lieutenant Haldeman and the strain it put on your friendship." He observed.

"Duty had to come first, he is a good man that had made a questionable decision. That had to be addressed." The Captain replied sadly. The whole 'jungle' incident had scarred them all deeply in more ways than one..some had barely escaped with their lives, others had perished for entertainment.

"You are unquestionably correct Captain. Duty must come first. However, it is much harder to follow and adhere to when dealing with a friend, a family member or loved one. In those incidents the line sometimes becomes blurred and we must look within ourselves for the correct course of action." Savar sagely observed

"Indeed it is my dear friend. Now I must head to sickbay for a checkup otherwise Dr Wilson will have my head" she laughed, knowing the kind hearted doctor would do nothing bother than give her a lecture and a lingering glare of disapproval for staying on Bajor so long.

"Understood." Savar answered. "It is exceptionally good to have you back Cap er Rhenora. You have been missed as have your wisdom and your company especially by me. To that point, you are right not to incur the wrath of Dr. Wilson." The last said with a mischievous gleam in his eye. "Do take care my friend."

"And to you as well Savar" Rhenora smiled as she rose and headed for the doors. Indeed it was good to be home.


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