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My First Christmas, The End

Posted on Mon Apr 4th, 2022 @ 6:13pm by Ensign Jonaya Darik

Mission: *CD*
Location: Earth
Timeline: 4 Years Ago

Jonaya, the Hiltons, and about a dozen other kids from the neighborhood, were enjoying a day outside in the local park. There was a big hill, so some were sledding. On a pond that was frozen over, others were ice skating. Of course, an occasional snowball could be seen flying by. It was a wonderful time.
Jonaya and Julie had just taken their turn down the hill and were trudging back up, Jonaya pulling a two-person toboggan behind her.

"What else did Jonathan say?" said Julie.

"He said, when it's the last ten seconds, everyone starts counting out loud. At midnight, you shout, happy new year," said Jonaya.

"Yeah, we do that," said Julie.

"He said there are traditional foods to eat, a song you're supposed to sing about an old woman named Lang, and you reflect on what improvements you want to make in the new year," said Jonaya.

"Wait. A song about an old woman named Lang?"

"That's what he said."

Julie laughed. "It's Auld Lang Syne. It's from an Earth language, I don't remember which one. It's about reflecting on old times that have passed. An old woman." Julie laughed again.

Oh," said Jonaya thoughtfully. "Why do you make celebrating a new year such a big holiday?"

"I don't know the history or the origins behind it." Julie shrugged. "But it is an opportunity to have a big party." She chuckled. "Did my brother say anything else?"

"Craig said something that bothered me."

Julie harrumphed. "Craig bothers me, too. What did he say?"

"It was no big deal."

"Jo, what did he say?"

"Sometimes people make out during the song." They looked at each other and burst out laughing. "I know what make out means." said Jonaya. "What if Jonathan told him about the mistletoe kiss?"

"Craig and my brother are best friends. They've known each other since they were in diapers. They do everything together."

"So your brother probably told him."


Jonathan had likely embellished it. Jonaya knew boys had a penchant for exaggerating to their friends, stories about their time with a girl.

"If I find out Jonathan said something happened that didn't really happen, I'm going to smack him a good one."

Julie stopped walking, grabbing Jonaya's arm. "You really shouldn't do that. You'll hurt my parents feelings. Break is almost over. In three days, we'll all be back in school."

Jonaya studied her friend's face. Julie was a joy in her life and her family had been so kind to her, ending the time with them by slugging their oldest son, wouldn't have been a good thing.

"Fine, I won't break his nose."

"Or any other bone," said Julie with a chuckle.

"We'll see," said Jonaya, sticking her tongue out at Julie. "Last one to the top has to eat rotten eggs!" She dropped the toboggan rope and dashed up the hill, leaving behind a bewildered Julie.

"Last one up is a rotten egg. Do I need to teach you everything?" With a sigh, Julie picked up the rope and resumed her trek up the hill.


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