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My First Christmas, Part 3

Posted on Sat Apr 2nd, 2022 @ 8:25pm by Ensign Jonaya Darik

Mission: *CD*
Location: Earth
Timeline: 4 Years Ago

Christmas day had arrived! Jonaya hadn't expected it, but the kids were out of bed at the crack of dawn, and gathered around the tree, trying to guess what all the presents were. Julie had come into the guest room to wake Jonaya.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head."

Jonaya groaned. "Go away."

"It's time to get up." Julie turned on the light.

"Oh, come on!" Jonaya covered her head with her pillow, muttering a Betazoid swear word.

"If that means what I think it means, don't let my mother hear you say it," said Julie. "She'll wash out your mouth with soap."

Jonaya never heard that saying, but she could guess what it meant.

"Get up. Go potty. Be by the tree in a bathrobe," said Julie. "Another family tradition. Let's go."

Jonaya sighed as she rolled out of bed. Her eyes were half-closed, her hair a rumpled mess, and with all the apple cider she drank the night before, she really needed to get to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, wrapped in a robe, her eyes fully open, her hair and teeth brushed, Jonaya stood in a doorway, ready to enjoy the morning, though another mug of hot cider would have been nice.

In the Hilton family tradition, opening presents started with the youngest child opening one gift. After that, it was the next oldest, and so on, up to Mr. and Mrs. Hilton.

Jonaya was the second-oldest, behind Julie and she had no idea what anyone got her, but she had made sure to carefully select something just right for the eight people in the family. They had been so kind and welcoming, she hoped her gifts could show in some small way, how much she appreciated it.

While the first gifts were being opened, Jonathan joined Jonaya at the doorway. "So what do you think of our Christmas traditions?"

"They're sweet. I've enjoyed learning them. It's been wonderful staying here with all of you."

"You like participating in the traditions?"

Jonaya wondered why Jonathan asked her that when she just told him she was loving it. "Yes, I do."

"Well, here's another one."

Before Jonaya knew what was happening, Jonathan kissed her right on the lips. She jumped back, her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide in surprise. "Why did you do that?" She was almost sputtering.

"It's a Christmas tradition," said Jonathan. "You said you wanted to learn them."

"What tradition?"

Jonathan pointed to the top of the doorway. Hanging there was a cluster of some sort of green leaf. "It's mistletoe. When a person stands under it, someone that likes them gives them a kiss." He smiled, though his cheeks were slightly red.

Jonaya stared at the leaves, wondering how long Jonathan was planning this.

"I wanted to show that I like you." Jonathan smiled.

So he liked her. She was eighteen and he was sixteen. After winter break, he was going back to high school and she was returning to Starfleet Academy. Even if Jonaya liked him back in that way, which she didn't, what was the point?

"I don't know what to say," said Jonaya.

"I guess I don't know either, but I wanted you to know how I feel."
They looked at each other, time seeming to have stopped.

"Okay, you two, you're up next." It was Julie.

Jonathan joined the rest of the family, but before going too, Jonaya grabbed Julie's arm.

"He kissed me."

"Huh? What?" Julie blinked in disbelief.

"He kissed me. I was standing under mistletoe."

Julie put both her hands over her mouth as she tried to keep from laughing. Her eyes were mischievously bright.

"Thanks a lot," said Jonaya glaring. "What am I supposed to do now?"

"When he kissed you, did your toes twinkle?" She looked at Jonaya's bare feet.


"Did the galaxy burst with light? Did the earth shake? Did your body tremble?"

"No!" Jonaya was exasperated.

"Then don't worry about it." Julie chuckled. "Now go open a present before my brothers drag you over."

Jonaya scowled. This was a turn of events she never saw coming.


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