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The Wormhole

Posted on Thu Mar 31st, 2022 @ 8:05am by Commander Jennifer Baldric & Commander Savar cha'Salik hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen & Lieutenant Commander Aurora Vali & Lieutenant Niali Korial MD

Mission: Paranoia Nebula
Location: Bajoran Wormhole

The USS Sunfire reduced speed and power as it approached the wormhole linking the Gamma Quadrant back with the rest of the Federation. They would undertake repairs at Deep Space Nine and the crew would have some time to have a breather before heading off on their next mission.

Niali had some concerns about her progress and recovery status. Although her injury had been life threatening she reasoned that her healing had been much slower than it should have been with her symbiont helping. She decided to beard Dr Wilson as soon as she could. She waited until she passed.

“Dr Wilson can you spare me a few minutes?” Niali sat up although she winced in pain and felt dizzy when she did so.

" Of course" Sarah swung by Niali's bed and brought up her medical tricorder to start taking some detailed readings. Her expression was neutral yet her mind was sharp.

“I am anxious to return to duty, although a reduced schedule might help. I am worried about you, you have been on duty pretty much solidly since I was wounded and you need some time off duty. I am however worried at my poor rate of recovery. The Korial symbiont should be aiding me much more in my recovery?

" If you weren't already in a depleted state then yes your symbiont would most likely be aiding more in your recovery. However your baseline data shows all the markers of exhaustion, your natural reserves are depleted and will take some time to rebuild." Sarah's words were gentle, it was a hard thing to deliver to a friend who loved to work. " You need to rest, physically more than mentally although both would do you good"

Niali put her hand on Sarah’s. “I am worried about you, I am your CMO and you have done nothing but look after me and everyone else it is my duty to…..oh,…..I feel extraordinary Sarah ….my me.!’ Niali sank back her heart fibrillating as yet another bleed commenced along with an alarm.

Sarah got quickly to work and stabilised the CMO, leaving the sedative to last a little longer to allowed more healing time.

~ Bridge ~

On the bridge Aurora was sitting quietly, she’d never felt so uncomfortable before but now she felt as though every pair of eyes on the bridge were looking her way, even though they probably weren’t.

Savar glanced at to where Aurora was sitting in silence and if her body language was any indication, she was uncomfortable. it radiated off her in waves.

Looking towards her husband Aurora made an instantaneous decision. “Commander I request a hearing into the attack on Doctor Korial.”

Savar swiveled in his chair to look at her, "For what purpose Aurora? Everyone knows that you were under the influence of the entity and were not responsible for your attack on Dr. Korial." He replied calmly.

Aurora looked at Savar. “I need that to be proven and the matter to be resolved properly. I feel as though I owe Niali, and the crew that much.”

"I believe you are overreacting Aurora. I am sure, the crew, and Dr, Korial do not hold you responsible." Savar answered placidly.

Aurora nodded. “Maybe I am, but I can’t help how I feel.”

"Quite possible Aurora. You are having misplaced feelings of guilt over an action you were not responsible for. It was the creature that attacked Dr. Korial not you." Savar answered.

Aurora sighed. “I’m sorry I just ...” she shook her head. “This is going to take me a while to get past.”

There is no reason for you to be sorry Aurora." Savar answered quietly. "I am here to help you move past this incident and for you to once again be the valuable officer and counselor. I know you are."

Aurora nodded. “We’ll talk more about it later.”

"Quite correct Aurora. We will indeed talk about it later." Savar intoned quietly.

Meanwhile Jennifer spoke up from the rear of the bridge

"DS9 signals we are clear to transit through the wormhole, we have approval to dock at upper pylon C upon arrival" Baldric announced as they approached the wormhole.



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