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Captain's Catchup

Posted on Wed Oct 27th, 2021 @ 11:34pm by Captain Rhenora Kaylen

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: DS9 Ops

Kira looked up as the doors parted, the exasperated expression replaced with a wide and unexpected smile.

"You really are trying for frequent flyer points aren't you" the Bajoran station commander said as she rose, crossing the floor in a few short strides and enveloping her friend in a hug. "And I thought I had a knack for finding trouble" she gestured towards the couch along one wall and appeared a moment later with two steaming mugs. Rhenora accepted the offer and dropped onto the comfortable lounge, reclining a little to ease the pressure on her lower back. A particular scent tickled her nostrils and she grimaced.

"Makara tea?" She wrinkled her nose as Kira proudly presented the steel mug to her, noticing and ignoring the look of sustain.

" Better than taking them straight, besides, it's almost drinkable" Kira retorted, having survived her own journey with the dreaded herbs.

The Sunfire Captain raised the mug to her nose, inhaled, then decided it was probably a bad idea. Instead she held her breath and took a swig. Kira's laugh was refreshing in its honesty and Rhenora realised how much she had missed her friend.

"See, it's not THAT bad, and if you drink it all I'll give you a coffee chaser" Kira softened a little "I don't need Bashir to tell me you're not looking after yourself" there was a moment of concern.

"Like you did?" Rhenora threw the comeback over the fence without hesitation and earned herself a small reprieve. "besides we rescued the Bajorans from some antsy Cardassians this time, no explosions, no life or death battles, just a rescue and we're here to offload"

“ Riiiiiiiiight” Kira’s tone was one of complete and utter disbelief however their conversation was interrupted by a comm-call from Lt House.

With the knowledge that there could be some suspicious characters on the loose Rhenora’s gut clenched again. She closed the comm-channel to Lt House, leaving Kira and Lt Hightower to manage the apprehension; she felt she had one more thing to discuss with her friend.

“Kine Jurel passed two days ago, the service is tomorrow” She blurted, knowing that Jurel had been a mutual close friend of theirs during the occupation years.

“Jurel? Damn, they’re dropping like flies these days” Kira lamented “ You go, I’ll look after these suspicious characters for you” Kira placed a gentle hand on Rhenora’s shoulder. Kaylen nodded “I’ll pass on your respects” she replied sagely as she rose and nodded. “ I’ll see you in a few days when the repairs are complete.”

“ You will indeed, and if your track record holds, a few days or a week after that… and again” Nerys joked as they embraced for a few moments.

“We’ll see about that” the comeback was quick and good natured leaving both of them with a smile. Rhenora look her leave and headed to seek out Remal, she felt the need for a calming dinner before heading down to Bajor the following day.


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