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Things that make you go Boom

Posted on Sun Sep 26th, 2021 @ 8:35pm by Commander Dean House & Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Weapons Control
Timeline: After entering the Gamma Quadrant again

Bonnie was bored. Normally when she was bored, particularly at night, she would cozy up with a good book or wonder the ship. This specific evening had her wandering the lower decks, in the area of deflector control and weapons which she was currently walking past when Ensign Gomez walked out and they almost collided. He apologized profusely, then carried on like he was trying to get away in a hurry.

The door on the other hand remained open long enough for Bonnie to catch a glimpse of someone working hard on what appeared to be a torpedo casing. Curiosity got the better of her and she stepped inside and allowed the doors to close. She remained quiet, watching to see what was going on in front of her, all the while suspecting it was Dean with his head in the casing, oblivious to her entry into the room. After several minutes, she cleared her throat and smiled as she heard him strike his head on the lid of the torpedo. "Hey, pretty boy. Whatcha doing?"

Indeed it was Dean. He'd been in there probably a good three hours, to be honest. If all of the parts and components on the deck weren't exactly a clue. Rubbing his head a little bit, maybe the bump rattled him too hard, cause he forgot his nickname for her. "Trying to fix some of these issues we had on the first test. Hadn't had much time to get to it until now. Also, I felt I should probably put some space between myself and Finch. I don't think he particularly liked the session we had the other day."

"I, really haven't met Finch yet. Is he nice?" She asked innocently. "I actually had a chance to look at some of the data. What we made was pretty impressive considering we made it out of spare parts. How many of them did you end up building?"

"We butted heads a bit after our second meeting in the gym. Met him first on DS9. That was amusing. I think he can be nice yes, kind of a stickler for certain things like Savar when it comes to regulations and the like." Reaching to wipe his hands off, "It is impressive, thank you again for helping." Giving a motion over to the casings, "Gotten through eleven so far."

Bonnie moved over and sat down carefully onto a metal stool backwards, the back of which she used to lean on. "You, butting heads with an officer, who could have figured that would ever happen?" She asked with a tone of sarcasm in her voice. "I've known you long enough to know you and orders tend not to walk down a moonlit beach hand in hand."

There was a chuckle given, "That's not exactly what I meant. We took care of that. I meant the pasting he got in the combat lesson after that. That would be why he was a little grumpy sore earlier on the bridge."

She giggled a little as she rolled her eyes, "Boys. You always have to settle things with your fists, don't you? So this fight, was it another cock measuring competition between you two or what?" She asked, the smile not fading.

"Actually, it wasn't that. I was teaching. Rhenora and I were supposed to have another session but she got called away." Giving a sweet smile back.

Hanging on his words, she was expecting to hear more of the tale. When he didn't immediately follow through, she turned to begging, "And... then what happened?"

"Oh!" holding up a finger, "Did you know apparently there is some kind of regulation in Starfleet that a subordinate officer is not allowed to call a superior Mister. Not even off duty."

She rolled her eyes, "Probably. There are regulations for everything. Many of which are archaic, from the early sailing days. Most officers worth their grain of salt would never attempt to enforce such a thing. I guess it depends on the authority level of the Captain, I suppose. Now, Captain Jelico, he would never allow such insubordination. From what I know of Kaylen, she's pretty tame by comparison. So, is that how you got on his bad side?"

"Rhenora? Yes, she's pretty relaxed. And apparently so because I used it, in a polite manner. Didn't matter. Went all hardass about it and you know me... I kept going back and forth. I think we resolved it. I didn't even break any bones." Giving her a little smirk.

His goofy smirk was enough to make her smile. He was always making weird faces and she noticed. "I'm sure if you had, you would heal quickly, being all enhanced and all." She joked, recalling their earliest conversation together. "So are there going to be any repercussions from your little spout with the Commander?"

Dean shook his head a bit, "No... I meant I didn't break any of his bones." Giving a little shrug while he gave a scan over the current one being worked on. "I have no clue, to be honest. I think we came to a general consensus but maybe not."

"I guess that's something." She watched him work on his weapon of mass destruction for a minute longer before she stretched her back and yawned. "Anyway, thanks for the chat. I'm gonna, go finish a book or something. Have fun with Betty, and Betty." She commented while standing and pointing at his various works in progress.

"You're not going to help?"

"Naw. It looks as though you have things well in hand. I'm not really comfortable working on weapons, even Betty here. Unless you're having a coding issue I'm not even sure how I could help? Besides, I haven't broken anything today, I would not wish to test my luck here in the armory, if you know what I mean." She smiled.

He smiled lightly back to her, "As you wish. I enjoy working with you. If something comes up then I could give you a call then?" Going to be nice and not make a joke about that last part.

Blushing, she thought about how she enjoyed working with him as well. He was easy going, albeit strange, but no more so than she. Her only issue was his ever present desire to work around weapons, which was not only his nature but his job. She flipped her hair and said, "Call me anytime, pretty boy." Then turned and headed back out of the armory having enjoyed their conversation.


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