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Back in the Saddle

Posted on Tue Jun 22nd, 2021 @ 2:38am by Lieutenant Chester "Duo" Maxwell & Chief Warrant Officer Josette Mackenzie

Mission: Gamma Quadrant
Location: Deck 6, Chief of Security's Office
Timeline: Current

Duo sat at his desk, reclined with his feet up. Bach's Concerto in A minor for Four Harpsichords played over the rooms speakers while he went over the Starfleet-wide Security reports. He didn't figure it would be of much use in the Delta Quadrant, but "better safe than sorry" was a motto burned into his mind at a young age.

The chime rang and he called for whomever was there to enter. The door hiss was barely audible over the music. Chief Mackenzie strolled in, PADD in her hand and hair tied up, tight as ever.

Duo looked up and said, "Computer, pause playback." as he brought his feet down and assumed a more professional posture. "Ah, Chief! Is it time for our morning meeting already?"

She smiled and set her PADD on the desk and took a seat opposite him. "Aye, and good morning to you, Elle-tee. What were you listening too?"

"Ah, that was Bach, the ancient Earth composer." He said matter-of-factually.

"Oh, is it now? It sounds like someone beating a poor harp with wee metal hammers." she joked.

"Well, actually a harpsichord string is plucked, rather than struck like a traditional piano. It's a common misconception." He replied, returning her smile. "Now, what is on the agenda for today?"

She picked up her PADD and looked it over. "The ready racks have all been installed and outfitted, the whole kit and kaboodle."

"Excellent. I want to schedule some security department specific drills. Nothing so bold as holo-intruders, just the standard emergency response drills on each shift, just to help with our response times.

"Easily done, Elle-tee." She made a note on her PADD.

"How is the scheduling of basic small arms refreshing coming along with the Boatswain?"

"Due to our dramatic entrance to the Gamma Quadrant, the Medical and Science Departments have been the easiest to get scheduled. Engineering and Ops on the other hand have had their hands full. Only twenty percent have completed the refresher, as opposed to eighty percent of Medical and Science."

"Understandable, but we need to keep on it. I'll see what I can do at the next staff meeting. Our mission isn't of a military manner, per se. But with the Dominion, everything is a military matter. You can trust me when I say, they know we are here. You can bet your last strip of latinum."

A shiver ran down Josette's spine. She had never seen a real Jem'Hadar face-to-face, much less had to fight one. The fact they maybe being watched was not a pleasant one.

"How are the double patrols coming?" has asked.

"Good. There was a bit of grumbling at first, but they understand the reasoning, all in all. Of course, they would never complain directly to you, but as a warrant officer, I'm sort of both an officer and not an officer, so I hear things from both sides. But we have a great crew for the most part."

Duo nodded. "Well Chief, I'm impressed as always. And speaking of our intrepid crew, it's time for my morning rounds. Care to join me? You can help point out who is a native to the Sunfire and the ones who came over on the Liberty."

Josette smiled and typed a few last notes into her PADD. "I'd be happy to, Elle-tee."

Duo stood up and clipped on his empty phaser holder. He turned to the bulkhead behind him and entered a code on the keypad and the weapon locker opened to reveal a selection of phasers, from type one to type three. He selected a type two, checked the charge, set it to stun and slipped it into its holster where it gave a satisfying click. A memory flashed briefly from his childhood spent in a holoprogram he and his brothers used to share. It was set in the Wild West, where they used to practice and reenact the greatest gunfights of both history and fiction. He had yet to figure out a way to spin a type two phaser like it was a Colt Single Action Army revolver, but he had never given up trying.

He turned to face his petite subordinate, noticing her own phaser on her uniform. "Ready to go?"

She held out her left hand towards the door. "Rank before beauty, if you please...sir." she said with a grin.

He stood up to his full height, pretended to straiten a non-existent necktie and walked out in an exaggerated, stately manner.

The next two hours were spent slowly going deck-by-deck, stopping to speak with, and being stopped by multiple crew members and officers answering questions and giving advice on topics ranging from improving accuracy, ideal phaser settings and the like. The impromptu combat scenario had really shaken up the crew, but in a good way. There was a focus and a sense of urgency about them. Duo firmly believed that nothing whipped a crew, especially a blended crew, into shape like good hard training, and a real sense of danger. The Gamma Quadrant seemed to have both in spades.

Once they had completed their rounds, Duo parted ways with Josette for the time being. He needed to prepare the daily report for the Captain. She hadn't expressed a preference for a written copy transmitted or one delivered in person. He made a mental note to ask her the next time they spoke.


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