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Posted on Wed May 12th, 2021 @ 5:07am by Captain Sandy "Ghost" Shannon

Mission: Status of the Tribes
Location: Captain's Quarters/ CAG's Office
Timeline: Current


Sandy was sitting in her office on the fighter deck when her flight leader brought her a PADD and shoved it at her. "Here boss, they told me to rush this to you asap!" said Lt. Bigsley. Bigsley was a young hotshot pilot but he was a damn good fighter pilot. He had proved that over and over again while under her tutelage. Taking the PADD she started to read it……..

To: Lt. Cmdr. Sandy "Ghost" Shannon
From: Admiral Charles Star

Congratulations! You are hereby promoted to the rank of Captain. You will assume command of the USS Sunfire immediately and return to DS9 for upgrades and further orders. May god have mercy on your soul!

Good Luck Captain

Sandy almost fainted and Bigsley looked at his boss…."You ok Boss??" he asked. Sandy had paled so much, she was nearly white. Finally finding her voice, "Oh my God! What….how….where….when…..why….why me??? Has the Admiral gone bonkers? I have no experience in commanding a ship let alone this one! What were they thinking!" she croaked. Sandy was in a state of shock, but the Admiralty does not assign command of a ship just to anyone without a good reason.

Now she was left with a delima…….replacement CAG. Who was she gonna find now and from where. One name popped into her head, Brianna. Brianna was a damn good CAG and right now she needed her on the Sunfire. Quickly sending a message to Brianna, she waited for her answer and when she got it back it was good news, she accepted happily.

[6 hours Later]

Finally finished moving into the captains quarters, Sandy sat at her new desk wondering where she was going to find an experienced XO now. How do you run a ship of this size and caliber? She figured that it would be a learning experience and one worthwhile learning. She commanded her fighter squadrons like she was born into the field so this shouldn't be too much off the beaten path. Tapping her combadge, "Helmsman, we are returning to DS9. Change heading to get us there, warp 6" and closed the com.

There was so much to do and so much to understand that soon she got lost in all of the reports and information she had to do, time didn't matter until her head hit the desk. Getting up, she stumbled to the bed and crawled into it thankful for a night's sleep.


Captain Sandy "Ghost" Shannon
USS Sunfire


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