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Personal Log

Posted on Mon Jul 20th, 2020 @ 10:25pm by Ensign Hawthorne Morgan

It feels like only yesterday that I arrived here, but it certainly has flown by. Our ship is fully staffed and we are awaiting our orders from the Captain. I've managed to get our connection with Starfleet established and the proper protocols in place for maintaining secure transmissions. Once we have our orders, I'll be able to reach out for more details.

Norah, I'm happy for your and the Academy, but I wish you could be out here. It's as vast and empty as you complained, but I'm really excited to see what's out here. I feel it's best for my sanity if I include a message to you as part of my personal logs, but that may get old if I'm not careful, haha.

I'm looking forward to trying out the holodeck when I get a chance. I brought my disk golf program and hope to give it a "shot" before we embark.


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