Posted on Thu Jan 30th, 2025 @ 6:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Bonnie "Bon-Bon" Durnell
Location: Ramant Ship
Timeline: Current-ish
"She's flat-lining!"
"Stabilize that rhythmic pump. We've got to to get the central nervous system to relax."
"Can anyone explain why this specimen reacted the way she did?" One of the scientists asked.
"Not yet, we are still trying to save her life and the life of the fetus." The doctor replied.
Bonnie had been moved to a medical ward and was currently being overseen by half a dozen medical professionals while in the corner a panel of scientists stood talking amongst themselves about the specimen and the situation. They sought answers to what they were ready to pronounce as a botched experiment. What followed was a dichotomy of decisions between care providers and experimentalists.
"Perhaps if you applied a stimulant we can still seek answers from the specimen herself as to why she chose to damage herself in this manner."
One of the doctors walked up with a stern expression. "Applying a stimulant at this stage could not only kill the specimen but also the offspring. I am not willing to participate in such a reckless endeavor."
"Fine, then we will find someone who will." The scientist snapped his fingers at a younger nurse. "You there, we seek answers. Wake the patient, we require answers."
The nurse, now petrified, looked from the scientists to the doctors and back again. Placed in a position of having to choose, she grabbed for an injector, dialed in a stimulant and pressed it against Bonnie's neck.
A second later, Bonnie reacted. Her body was on fire as the stimulant sent her nervous system into a state of shock. She tensed up let out an ear piercing scream causing everyone to cover their ears. A plate of utensils fell crashing to the floor. She then began thrashing on the bed, arms flailing as her body convulsed uncontrollably.
"Restrain her!" One of the doctors ordered.
Small in stature, she could be a spitfire when in her right mind. As it was, she was not in her right mind. The first guard that touched her caused her to react defensively. She throat punched him with a left fist, then turned and grabbed the second by the collar and yelled in his face "Get this thing out of me!"
He was caught for a moment, surprised, before restraining her against the bed as the other guards began placing her in restraints, which she continued to thrash and fight against. The nurse then applied a sedative, in between arm swings and curses, placing Bonnie once again, in a semi sedated mode.
The nurse then looked to the Scientist, "Did you get the answers you were looking for?"
"Why would she want to have the fetus removed so badly as to cause herself harm? The reasoning is not logical."
They doctors were running scans over Bonnie, "We have detected high levels of a variety of chemicals in this specimen. It is as if her whole being is actively rejecting the fetus as a white blood cell attacks a virus. This has caused a mental imbalance."
"Can you adjust for the chemical imbalance?"
"We do not understand this species enough to start tampering with the natural order. We could inadvertently cause permanent brain damage or worse. If we lose the patient we lose the fetus." He was stern in his reply.
"And if we do nothing?"
"In her current state there is a chance we could still lose the fetus, but the specimen would be unharmed, at least physically."
"We did not set out on this venture to lose the viability of new offspring. They are the most important and must override the life of the patient, wouldn't you agree doctor?" He didn't even give time for the doctor to disagree. "I suggest you carry on in whatever capacity you see fit to ensure the viability of the offspring. If you cannot, then step aside and let another take your place."
The doctor pondered the words and his response carefully. "I will continue however I must remind the Board that we are doctors and are guided to care for our patients as well. If she dies because of your negligence, that is on you and the Progenitor."
The doctor moved over to Bonnie, dialed up a series of substances into a vial then leaned over her and hesitated. "Sorry." He whispered silently before injecting the concoction.
She could not respond verbally, but the tears that flowed spoke volumes.