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'Plan B' Preparations

Posted on Sun Sep 24th, 2023 @ 4:28pm by Lieutenant JG Ghemora

Mission: Repairs and Retribution
Location: Chief Intelligence Officer's Office
Timeline: Current

After a short ride down to Deck Three, Ghemora's feet moved swiftly underneath her as she made her way to the Intelligence Office. Pressing her thumb to the security lock, having gotten accustomed to the required 'prick' for DNA verification, she turned to slip between the spreading doors the moment they started to move, knowing she didn't have much time to ready herself and the specialized equipment the away team would require. After moving into the Secure Storage to retrieve the crate holding the 'Halos', she left them on her desk before stepping over to her locker.

Once she opened the door, the Cardassian froze as she stared at the uniform hanging in it. Given her heritage, this wasn't the first time she would be masquerading as a Cardassian Officer, but it still caused her mind to flashback to her younger years before she escaped from her home planet. Filling her lungs with a deep breath, the woman finally reached out with one hand to pull the uniform from the locker as she started to unfasten her Starfleet uniform with the other…

…Only a few minutes later, Ghemora was standing in front of a virtual mirror ensuring her uniform was perfectly presented as was expected of a Cardassian Officer. Once she was sure everything was set, Ghemora found herself just standing there staring at herself in the uniform, frowning deeply at both how she looked in it and the memories it caused to come to the forefront of her memory. Her name was not one without a history in Cardassia, but she was the exception in her family. Having lingered long enough, the Intel Chief deactivated the mirror and stepped away to ready the rest of the required equipment for the mission.

Entering the code to open the secured crate, she flipped back the top to display a lineup of narrow, silver bands that all resembled the average circumference of a humanoid head. While they would expand or contract to fit perfectly around the wearer's head, pinning their hair down in the back, she pulled out each one in order, checking it before setting it to 'Cardassian' parameters with the specially programmed tricorder to ensure they could just be slipped on and activated by each of the chosen away team members. Once done, she closed up the case, already knowing what would come next…

…Tossing the crate of 'Halos' onto the hover-cart with the rack of Cardassian Phase-Disruptor Rifles and Pistols, she holsters one of the pistols onto her hip and slung one of the rifles over her back before offering a thankful nod to the Fabrication Team engineers and headed for the turbolift to meet with the away team. Pushing the cart in and ordering the computer to the designated deck, the ride felt longer to her than it actually was before the doors swooshed open and she quickly started dragging the cart behind her as she started towards the transporter room…


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