Crewman John Boy Perriwinkle

Name John Boy Perriwinkle

Position Media Relations Officer

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 11"
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Royal Blue
Physical Description Stocky, well built. brilliant smile


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Ryan Holland
Mother Katherine "Kate" Holland
Brother(s) Kevin
Sister(s) Rachelle
Other Family various aunts and uncles

Personality & Traits

General Overview An up and coming reporter, full of himself and his talent. Has eye on being the next great reporter for FNS.
Strengths & Weaknesses (S) Confident
(W) Arrogant
S) Charismatic
(W) Full of his own self importance.
(W) Use others to get ahead
Ambitions To be the anchor on the nightly news for FNS
Hobbies & Interests Swimming, running, camping in the great outdoors.