Ensign Jovi Ceszik

Name Jovi Ceszik

Position Guest Player

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian/Bajoran Mix Surgically altered to appear human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 180cm
Weight 100Kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green


Spouse None
Children None
Father Random Cardassian assigned to Bejor during the occupation
Mother Random Bajoran that left her son at an orphanage
Brother(s) unknown
Sister(s) unknown
Other Family unknown

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses High physical strength

Cannot stand the cold
Is uncomfortable around Bajorans and Cardassians

Personal History At 12 ran away from Orphanage in Bajor, and when unwelcomed in Bajoran society stowed away on Ferenghi freighter, earned enough latinum to surgically alter himself to appear human as a form of disdain of both his Bajoran and Cardassian heritage.

Settled on Risa for a few months running various touristy businesses, playing tour guide, gigolo, horga'hn trader, until he decided he befriended enough Starfleet folks that decided to join Starfleet.
Service Record With the sponsorship of Starfleet contacts, secured admission to SFA. SF is aware of his heritage and has kept it as confidential as it can.

In order not to attract attention has remained at precisely the 94th percentile of his class, even though could have scored in the top 3.

Jovi has been on the recruitment radar of Section 31 since the academy, having noticed how precisely and carefully he has stayed in the 94th percentile.