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Thu Jan 9th, 2025 @ 4:58pm

Ensign Tjesek Iransor

Name Tjesek "stretcher-bearer" Iransor

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Orion
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 1.90m
Weight 85kg
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description His intimidating muscular body and bald skull appearance at first sight denote immediately when he looks at you with his friendly face and an open smile. He has a quite sweet voice with a soft tone, unlike most Orion males. He is considered physically more fragile than average by Orion standards.

Even in starfleet uniform, he wears an Orion multi-key at his belt (for religious purposes, as he will gladly explain to you) and a kind of holographic watch at his wrist.


Spouse Widow (His spouse Aliah, a nurse, died during the dominion war)
Children None; his wife died during pregnancy.
Father Sadic Iransor, head of the Caj IRANSOR, Administrate the family medical headquarter on Rigel IV. Consider that his son staying in Starfleet is a waste of family ressources
Mother Maevala Iransor, wife of Sadic, head of an elite interstellar Orion escort agency. Loving motherm but she realy believes that Tjesek should come back into the family business
Brother(s) Ar'lon Iransor, elder brother, Captain of the OSS Stretcher-bearer, class Wanderer ship fitted to be a combat ambulance. Heir to the Caj. The only family member who really and deeply understands Tjesek. He supports him at 100%
Sister(s) Marla Iransor, younger sister, Elite interstellar Orion dancer, and escort. A power-hungry woman with a few limits uses every resource and contact, including her brillant intelligence and her perfect body, as weapons to reach her goals.
Other Family Lots of cousins and other related Caj members.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A very socially inclined and gentle green giant. Curious and intelligent, he seems always willing to help people in need. He is very proud of his origins, faith, and his family's medical business and deeply believes in more collaboration between them and the Federation.
Strengths & Weaknesses Apart from the physical strength natural for his species, he is considered one of the most intelligent and socially driven Orion male, very uncommon traits among his species.

He hasn't completely mourned his wife, and each reminder of her is really painful for him.

He tends to flirt far too much, including during service, and his mind is sometimes too commercially driven, even in the medical field.
Ambitions Strengthen the link between his family and the Federation medical departement.

Show other Orions that Federation ideals are the way forward and may be fully compatible with Orion culture and traditions.

Make progress in medical and pleasure applications of holography.
Hobbies & Interests Exchanging gossips, holography, seducing the wrong girl, and meddling in other people's conversations.

Personal History Born on Rigel IV, 2nd son of merchants leading a Caj (family-clan) Orion of some importance, Caj Iransor has been in the pharmaceutical and medical business, legal or not, for six generations. Tjesek was sent to study medicine at the Delta IV Council Medical College. It was there that he gradually learned to know and then to admire the great achievements of the Federation. Well, apart from Deltan girls, of course...

Caj Iransor is known among the Orions to count the most intelligent Orions among his ranks, but they tend to be shorter and physically more fragile than the average individual. Its women are among the most attractive. Some gossips claim that this was caused by a genetic alteration of the genome a few generations ago, but the Iransors have always denied this.

Contrary to the majority of Caju Orion, the Caj Iransor has changed from a drug cartel to a respectable pharmaceutical and medical corporation 6 generations ago. They discovered that keeping their promises and operating a legitimate business was far more profitable in the long run for the family than illegal trade... They completely transformed themselves after the fall of the Orion syndicate to become what they are today.

If this earned them the enmity of several other Caju, it opened a lot of commercial doors for him with the Federation. It is now a very profitable and still growing family business, bringing medical supplies and technologies to needy worlds able to pay a fair fee. They also have a fleet of rapid ambulance ships that can respond to medical emergencies anywhere, including conflict zones. Most great powers and some minors of the Alpha and Beta quadrants have contracted the service of this Caju to help populations in need when they weren't able to send medical help. They particularly distinguished themselves during the Dominion War and the last Romulo-Klingon War.

After his brilliant medical studies, Tjesek was expected by his father to come back and take command of the « stretcher-bearer », the Wanderer class medical flag ship of the Caju. Instead, he decided to join Starfleet Academy against his father's will.

He completed his medical training and was even elected valedictorian. But something happened shortly before his graduation. Something shameful that includes an admiral daughter... Shortly after, he vanished ...[the section of the file describing what happened during these two years is unavailable here and classified for clearance level 6 minimum]...

Tjesek Iransor appeared again after 2 years as a Starfleet Intelligence cadet, ready for his final exam and to serve as an Intelligence Starfleet officer. He explained to his family and friends that he has received special and classified Intelligence training from Starfleet.
Service Record Doctor in general medicine on Deltan IV, with technical specialisation in medical holographical applications.

Stafleet Academy officer.

Starfleet Inteligence clearance. formed as a liaison officer.